Enrique B.
Location Map Pin Argentina
Main Clock UTC-03:00 (America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
He is a Full Stack Developer with more than 7 years of experience. He has strong Javascript development skills, both on the frontend and backend.
Pet projects: - https://enbermudez.github.io/types-doodler/ // Utility library filled with non-common (and some random) helpers. -https://github.com/enbermudas/fail-express // An ExpressJS error-handler middleware for JSON APIs. -https://github.com/enbermudas/nodeplate // NodeJS boilerplate. -https://github.com/enbermudas/explate // Express boilerplate featuring tests with jest, continous integration with CircleCI and code coverage. -https://github.com/enbermudas/react-boilerplate // React boilerplate featuring: tests with jest, continous integration with CircleCI and code coverage and flow type checking. -(CURRENT) https://github.com/enbermudas/forumix // Forum system made with Remix (React framework) and Tailwind.