Leonid S.
Location Map Pin Ukraine
Main Clock UTC+02:00 (Ukraine/Kyiv)
Python Software Engineer
Successfully developed and deployed high-performance web applications using Python: I have leveraged my strong knowledge of Python, including Django and Django Rest Framework, to build robust and scalable web applications that meet client requirements and deliver exceptional user experiences. Expertise in asynchronous programming with aiohttp: I have over eight years of experience working with aiohttp, a robust asynchronous HTTP client/server framework in Python. This has allowed me to develop efficient and responsive web applications that handle concurrent requests with ease. Proficient in databases: I have a solid background in working with various databases, including MySQL, Redis, PostgreSQL, and Oracle. With eight years of experience, I have successfully designed and optimized database structures, written complex queries, and ensured efficient data retrieval and storage. Versatility in programming languages: Besides Python, I am proficient in C++, Java, PHP, and JavaScript (including AJAX, jQuery, and Node.js). This broad skill set enables me to effectively tackle diverse projects and collaborate with different teams. Familiarity with DevOps tools and practices: I have hands-on experience with Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, Git, Jira, Graylog, code fresh, and Jenkins. This allows me to contribute to deploying, monitoring, and maintaining applications using industry-standard DevOps practices.