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Years of commercial development experience
7 years of experience
Core technologies
Other technologies
Project Highlights
Pomelo Fintech
Mar `22 - Present
3 years
Pomelo Fintech
Full swift SDK packages and generic UI components
Responsibilities & achievements
● Full swift SDK packages and generic UI components development. Our solution delivery includes full support with native and hybrid apps like Flutter and React Native with integration wrappers. Architecture: CLEAN. Roles and responsibilities: Senior iOS developer. Number of members in the team: 6 Methodology: AGILE – SCRUM Technologies: iOS, Swift, Scrum, Flutter, React native, AV Foundation
Sep `21 - Present
3 years
Mobile teacher .
Responsibilities & achievements
Mobile teacher, Android platform with kotlin ●Coaching junior developers. Architecture: VIPER, MVVM. Roles and responsibilities: Mentor & content creator for iOS developers. Number of members in the team: 16 Methodology: AGILE – SCRUM Technologies: iOS, Android. Scrum, Swift
Thrivent and Santander Río
May `20 - Nov `22
3 years
Thrivent and Santander Río
IT and Bank projects. Clients in Canada and Argentina
Responsibilities & achievements
●Building independent custom libraries with swift and swiftUI technologies. Architecture: VIPER, MVVM, CLEAN. Roles and responsibilities: Senior iOS developer. ●Building full SDKs with Swift, coaching, lideship, maintenance (swift, objC). Architecture: VIPER. Roles and responsibilities: Senior iOS developer. Number of members in the team: 8 Methodology: AGILE – SCRUM Technologies: IOS, Swift, Objective C, AV Foundation
La Nación Newspaper
Oct `19 - May `20
7 months
La Nación Newspaper
Adding features to a newspaper app
Responsibilities & achievements
● Adding features to a newspaper app (full swift). Architecture: MVVM. Roles and responsibilities: Middle level iOS Developer. Number of members in the team: 6 Methodology: AGILE – SCRUM Technologies: iOS, Swift, AV fooundation
Practia Consulting and Redmint SRL
Feb `15 - May `16
1 year
Practia Consulting and Redmint SRL
Creating from scratch a full web application.
Responsibilities & achievements
● Full stack developer and researcher focused on Robotic ProcessAutomation and Machine Learning tools.. Architecture: MVVM. Roles and responsibilities: Senior full stack developer Number of members in the team: 6 Methodology: AGILE - SCRUM
Core Expertise
Logistics & Transportation, E-Commerce & Retail, Banking & Finance, Construction & Real estate, Healthcare & Medicine, Automotive, Branding, design, web development, ERP
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