UTC -03:00
iOS Senior Engineer
I am an experienced iOS engineer with a diverse skill set encompassing various projects in the software development industry. In my role, I have successfully contributed to a range of applications, showcasing my proficiency in technologies like Swift, SwiftUI, Objective-C, and more. My expertise includes optimizing and enhancing existing applications, implementing new features, and resolving complex issues across different domains such as meal subscription services, travel organization, music composition, and sports analysis. My work involves meticulous debugging, implementing innovative functionalities, and ensuring seamless user experiences. With a strong background in iOS development and a keen eye for detail, I have consistently delivered high-quality solutions and played a vital role in the success of multiple projects.
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Years of commercial development experience
10 years of experience
Core technologies
Other technologies
Project Highlights
- MealPal: Removing support for iOS 12. Clean unused code and images. Feature flag new implementations or changes. Implement phone subscription/verification for new users using SMS and Zipcode. Implement Holiday Plan and Holiday Hold. Implement Great Meal Guarantee functionality. Debugging and bug fixing. Release to Apple Store (answer rejections). - Mixo: Implemented generic shimmer loading skeletons in SwiftUI for any loading screen with a list of results with text and images. Implemented the discovery viewer side of the app. Implemented the search bar text field that is reused as a separate component. - VirtualShield: Implemented the entire application from scratch using Wireguard API client to connect to VPN servers. Implemented a network extension for macOS/iOS using NEPacketTunnelProvider from NetworkExtension framework to work with VPN tunnel interfaces that start/stop/get status to/from the VPN. Stack: Android, Kotlin, ARCore, Swift UI, Swift, RxSwift, Stripe, Rollbar, Firebase, Crashlytics, Lottie, Mapbox, Phone Number Kit, Customer.io, Charles Proxy, Circle-CI, Combine, Realm, Moya, Shimmer, Lottie, SPM, Wireguard API, CocoaLumberjack, CocoaAsyncSocket, GraphQL-Apollo, Introspect, Reachability, Sentry, SwiftyPing, ZipFoundation, SwiftLint, Carthage.
Responsibilities & achievements
- MealPal: Removing support for iOS 12. Clean unused code and images. Feature flag new implementations or changes. Implement phone subscription/verification for new users using SMS and Zipcode. Implement Holiday Plan and Holiday Hold. Implement Great Meal Guarantee functionality. Debugging and bug fixing. Release to Apple Store (answer rejections). - Mixo: Implemented generic shimmer loading skeletons in SwiftUI for any loading screen with a list of results with text and images. Implemented the discovery viewer side of the app. Implemented the search bar text field that is reused as a separate component. - VirtualShield: Implemented the entire application from scratch using Wireguard API client to connect to VPN servers. Implemented a network extension for macOS/iOS using NEPacketTunnelProvider from NetworkExtension framework to work with VPN tunnel interfaces that start/stop/get status to/from the VPN. Stack: Android, Kotlin, ARCore, Swift UI, Swift, RxSwift, Stripe, Rollbar, Firebase, Crashlytics, Lottie, Mapbox, Phone Number Kit, Customer.io, Charles Proxy, Circle-CI, Combine, Realm, Moya, Shimmer, Lottie, SPM, Wireguard API, CocoaLumberjack, CocoaAsyncSocket, GraphQL-Apollo, Introspect, Reachability, Sentry, SwiftyPing, ZipFoundation, SwiftLint, Carthage.
- Fixed bugs using Bluetooth low-energy devices using Apple Core Bluetooth framework, Core Data, Core Location, and MapKit. - Implemented Shipping Address manager and workflow. Implemented new network services to work with backend REST API using JSON protocol using HTTPService under Network framework. Implemented Lost Item Reimbursement: Claim, Coverage, Eligibility, and Status. Implemented new tiers using AppKit products from the AppStore. - Implemented new reused components: Pickers, buttons, table view cells, text views, countdown, image table, toasts, headers, and detail tables. Implemented new Permission Settings: Location, Core, Bluetooth enable and sharing, Siri, Network, Smart Places, Power Mode, Mic, Motion and Fitness, Notification Service, Smart Alerts. - Implemented new Premium Protect via Apple Store Subscriptions Implemented Lottie animations. Performed code reviews and code quality control to ensure optimal production results and interviewed and trained new iOS developers. Stack: Kotlin, Android architecture components, okhttp, Retrofit, Dagger, Swift UI, Swift, Objective-C, MVVM, CoreBluetooth, CoreLocation, PassKit, WebKit, XCTest, CoreData, Siri, WatchApp extension, Reachability, MQTTClient, libPhoneNumber, R.swift, Introspect, Stripe, Branch, Appboy-iOS-SDK, AddressDoctor, StateMachine, Firebase (Performance/Crashlytics), RxBlocking, RxSwift, RxCocoa, Lottie, SwiftLint, SPM, CocoaPods, Unit tests, XMPP, MixPanel, XMPP, Sift, Alamofire, Mantle, SDWebImage.
Responsibilities & achievements
- Fixed bugs using Bluetooth low-energy devices using Apple Core Bluetooth framework, Core Data, Core Location, and MapKit. - Implemented Shipping Address manager and workflow. Implemented new network services to work with backend REST API using JSON protocol using HTTPService under Network framework. Implemented Lost Item Reimbursement: Claim, Coverage, Eligibility, and Status. Implemented new tiers using AppKit products from the AppStore. - Implemented new reused components: Pickers, buttons, table view cells, text views, countdown, image table, toasts, headers, and detail tables. Implemented new Permission Settings: Location, Core, Bluetooth enable and sharing, Siri, Network, Smart Places, Power Mode, Mic, Motion and Fitness, Notification Service, Smart Alerts. - Implemented new Premium Protect via Apple Store Subscriptions Implemented Lottie animations. Performed code reviews and code quality control to ensure optimal production results and interviewed and trained new iOS developers. Stack: Kotlin, Android architecture components, okhttp, Retrofit, Dagger, Swift UI, Swift, Objective-C, MVVM, CoreBluetooth, CoreLocation, PassKit, WebKit, XCTest, CoreData, Siri, WatchApp extension, Reachability, MQTTClient, libPhoneNumber, R.swift, Introspect, Stripe, Branch, Appboy-iOS-SDK, AddressDoctor, StateMachine, Firebase (Performance/Crashlytics), RxBlocking, RxSwift, RxCocoa, Lottie, SwiftLint, SPM, CocoaPods, Unit tests, XMPP, MixPanel, XMPP, Sift, Alamofire, Mantle, SDWebImage.
- Implemented and entire music app: compose a blues song using standard 12-bar blues chords by selecting your vocal range, adding lyrics in AAB format, practicing, then recording your performance. Possibility of recording the video of your assignment, login to Canvas, and upload it. - Implemented an entire travellers app: helps clients organize and create their travel itineraries in the simplest way possible. Now travelers do not have to take hours or research local sights and organize all paper information. - Implemented an entire fitness app in iOS for personal trainers. - Implemented an entire sports app: fans can read insightful analysis and predictions, share their views, share their experiences, and chat with other fans. Stack: Swift, Objective-C, macOS, Crashlytics, RestKit, Google Analytics, Reachability, Youtube, Maps and ShareKit, Factual Location Engine SDK, Alcohol Sensor, Core Location, Core Data.
Responsibilities & achievements
- Implemented and entire music app: compose a blues song using standard 12-bar blues chords by selecting your vocal range, adding lyrics in AAB format, practicing, then recording your performance. Possibility of recording the video of your assignment, login to Canvas, and upload it. - Implemented an entire travellers app: helps clients organize and create their travel itineraries in the simplest way possible. Now travelers do not have to take hours or research local sights and organize all paper information. - Implemented an entire fitness app in iOS for personal trainers. - Implemented an entire sports app: fans can read insightful analysis and predictions, share their views, share their experiences, and chat with other fans. Stack: Swift, Objective-C, macOS, Crashlytics, RestKit, Google Analytics, Reachability, Youtube, Maps and ShareKit, Factual Location Engine SDK, Alcohol Sensor, Core Location, Core Data.
Higher education in Computer Science
Core Expertise
Architecture & Design, Business & Productivity, E-Commerce & Retail, Banking & Finance, Information services & Technologies, Entertainment & Games, Construction & Real estate, Advertising & Marketing, Healthcare & Medicine, Booking & Rent, Insurance & Risk Management, Blockchain & Cryptocurrency, Data Science & Machine Learning, Big Data, Internet of Things, Games, Entertainment, Branding, design, web development, Augmented reality
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