Mario J.
Location Map Pin Guatemala
Main Clock UTC-06:00 (America/Guatemala)
I'd describe myself as someone who is reliable and able to undertake complex situations with unique solutions, with over 6 years of experience in Data
Over the past 3 years I have gained ample experience in the field of Airflow and Data Warehouse. And have been responsible for Data Lake Support and creating new ETL/ELT processes within AWS. My previous work includes over 4 years in the field as Application Architect and Data Engineer / Data Analyst with the creation and support of ETL/ELT pipelines via Airflow and other ETL tools like Xplenty, Sisense and custom server scripts, all within AWS infrastructure. As a Data Analyst I have learned to create dashboards and widgets in Sisense, QuickSight, PowerBI, and Tableau. As well as Data Architecture with Sisense and Redshift. I would describe myself as someone who is reliable and able to undertake complex situations with unique solutions, with over 6 years of experience in the Data sector, as well as over 15+ years of SQL experience, and 20+ as Developer.