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Python engineer
I have been a Python Engineer since 2019 in commercial software development. My programming way began from different languages. I started to work with Ruby and got well expertise there but later I chose Python because it impressed me a lot. Now I am a maintainer of the product from its starting up to its production. I like to improve code, do new features, and play in the team. In general, programming is my cup of tea.
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Years of commercial development experience
5 years of experience
Core technologies
Project Highlights
May `21 - Present
4 years
I am a general maintainer in the creation and development of one of the microservices. I am responsible for implementing back-end tasks and helpful scripts, testing using Pytest, improving code, and fixing bugs Tools and technologies: Python, FastAPI, Pydantic, SQLAlchemy, Alembic, Pytest
Responsibilities & achievements
Implemented integrations using OAuth2 protocol with 4 external services. Increased code coverage from 50% to 85% after main release activities. Moved parsers CI-tests to an optional job like another package after a time issue on GitLab. Increased development testing performance which doesn't have parsers changes by 400%. Reduced legacy codebase by 10%. I have written 2 articles about Python updates from 3.8 up to 3.11. After that, we were able to ease update our code-base from Python3.7 to Python3.10
Mar `19 - May `21
2 years
I am involved in creating features, planning the architecture of a new phase, and communicating with management. Also, I created documentation and covered API with tests. I am fixing lots of bugs on Back-end. Tools and technologies: Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Docker, Devise, Cancancan, Selenium, Rspec, CircleCI.
Responsibilities & achievements
Covered by Rspec tests 80% of the code and was in charge to collaborate with QA. Implemented 50% documentation of our codebase and database including UML. Implemented CircleCI to a project that gave 1.5x performance in the code review process.
Higher education in Computer Science
Dnipro, Ukraine
Core Expertise
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