Upper Intermediate
UTC +02:00
Senior PHP Developer
10 years of experience in IT. Senior Full-stack developer. Good knowledge of PHP, WordPress CMS, CSS, and JS. Deep experience in the development of client-server web applications. BA experience. Strong communication skills (spoken English), experience in communication with clients.
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Years of commercial development experience
10 years of experience
Core technologies
Other technologies
Project Highlights
E-Learning project
The main purpose is to use and add to the LMS functionality of the LearnDash plugin. Only content subscribers who have paid monthly or annual subscription to access the main content and have access to this content by accessing internal points. These points are accrued monthly or can be bought additionally. Subscriptions also have different access levels. The subscription functionality is implemented by completing the MemberPress plugin functionality. In addition to the main content on the site is a personal cabinet of membranes, static pages, and blog.
Responsibilities & achievements
- planning and estimating the project; - development from scratch; - project support; - project improvement;
Multi vendor Grocery delivery website
Also, created pages for different communities based on store major cuisine, products wishlist, waitlist, added new features to the Multivendor membership plugin functionality for quick and easy user onboarding flow. Created custom theme according to a new design.
Responsibilities & achievements
- Creating coherent, user-friendly UI for a platform; - Development from scratch; - Evaluating scope of work; - Participation in meetings;
Project consisting of an online store (WordPress) and a CRM system (Laravel) On the WordPress/Woocomers side we have: - creating a SPA theme and endpoints for it; - updating the admin part for working with the SPA theme; - creating a plugin that expands the capabilities of woocomers, in particular, adding many different parameters related to CHD products; - creating a Plugin for Calculating Shipping Costs; - creating a plugin for collecting statistics and sending them to the CRM system. All parts were created using microservices through using each other's components (for example, a user service and statistics collection). In addition to developing the project architecture and direct microservices, also there is a developed data bus and asynchronous PHP requests.
Responsibilities & achievements
-planning and estimating the project; -project development from scratch; -project support;
Car leasing online
The project essence is that companies providing Leasing services can interact with automotive trading platforms and provide their services to customers of these sites. The project included the exchange of necessary documents, vehicle specifications, payment acceptance, and insurance registrations. Also contained extensive statistics for the administrator and SEO tools for landing pages.
Responsibilities & achievements
- planning and estimating the project; - working on three parts of the project (admin panel, user part and company side) - project support; - project improvement;
Сulinary project
A place where people can book cooking classes, food tours around the world, nutrition courses, and learn something new about food from the blog. Users can attend online courses on the website
Responsibilities & achievements
-planning and estimating the project; -project development from scratch; -project support;
Core Expertise
E-Commerce & Retail, Banking & Finance, Travel & Tourism, Booking & Rent
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