Nick Y.
Location Map Pin Ukraine
Main Clock UTC+02:00 (Ukraine/Kyiv)
React.js (Next) developer with an entrepreneurship mindset and vide experience in Fintech, Marketplaces, SaaS, and other types of projects.
1) Mooabet (marketplace) React js (next) My recent experience was with a Marketplace, which has a legacy code and a lot of buggy business logic. The client understood that. So I had the challenge to refine the code, add new + integrate blockchain to it. I decided to separate tasks into chunks and solve them separately, starting from high-level problems to small niches. When I finished with a code fundament, task completion became much easier and we completed the project. 2) My previous job was working for an outsourcing team, where we worked on a lot of different projects. And the main task there was to build an expandable reliable code within the budget. Who knows, how development works, understand, that it's usually hard. I'm happy that I had a low volatility in my completion time results and a high level of quality. 3) Also I started working with crypto and quickly understood, how to integrate web3 functions, which was new to me. 4) I quickly learned English to a well-speaking level, when it was needed. 5) I I always use Typescript, when working with React.