Eugene B.
Location Map Pin Ukraine
Main Clock UTC+02:00 (Ukraine/Kyiv)
IT Project manager
A versatile professional who has been working as an IT project manager for the past four years and absorbed the best project management practices as well as gained priceless experience throughout leading a variety of miscellaneous projects and multi-disciplinary teams. Eugene is a keen planner and strategist with the ability to build strong relationships with stakeholders and turn their expectations/specifications viable product. As a great communicator, he conveys messages to both clients and teams clearly so that everyone is on the same page and communication goes smoothly and effectively. One of his substantial qualities is outstanding leadership. This is absolutely important to be a leader of a team and help the team to overcome any emerging obstacles over the development process and bring deliverables on time and within budget. Worth to mention, that Eugene is a stress-resistible person who can perform effectively under pressure and carry the burden of responsibility to facilitate development for the team so that they could worry only about writing excellent solutions for products.