Juan Carlos V.
Location Map Pin Colombia
Main Clock UTC-05:00 (America/Bogota)
Sr Fullstack Developer
Juan Carlos is a proactive and empathetic systems engineer with a double degree, boasting over six years of experience as a Full-Stack Developer. Engaged as a freelancer, he actively contributes to the development of IT solutions for public and private organizations, showcasing adaptability across various technologies including Python, Ruby, Java, Android Native, .Net, and C#, among others. With a strong interest in Digital Marketing, he has amassed two years of experience in the field. Passionate about Digital Transformation and Cryptocurrencies, Juan Carlos is known for his agility in adapting to diverse situations and teams. His proactive nature allows him to thrive in different environments. He is keenly interested in continuous professional growth. Currently, he is dedicated to enhancing his skills as a mobile developer, focusing on frameworks such as Ionic, React, Vue.js, and Flutter.