Joshué Daniel E.
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Sr. Project Manager with more 4 year of experience
*I have stood out for achieving objectives by optimizing resources. *I managed to createa collaborative and motivating environment that results in the achievement of exceptional results. *I teach seminars for Stress Management, Improving the work environment, Performance and positive attitude. *I managed all the company's projects, marketing strategies, sales, alliances with suppliers, public relations and management of a multifunctional team. *I led our participation as sponsors in key conventions, strengthening the company's presence at events, generating commercial opportunities and strategic alliances.
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Years of commercial development experience
4 years of experience
Core technologies
Project Highlights
Casa Mava
Aug `22 - May `23
9 months
A new Boutique hotel in Oaxaca, Mexico. In search of graphic identity and specialized website for online reservations
Responsibilities & achievements
Once I managed to close the sale with the client after an intense negotiation, our mission was to conceptualize the graphic identity and logo. At this point the client already had a name in mind, so I also had the responsibility of reviewing with the legal department the feasibility of registering the trademark according to the idea that the client had. I managed and coordinated the design department for the conceptualization and delivery of graphic proposals that would be used in the corporate identity and the hotel façade itself. At the same time, I gathered web development specialists to create an elegant and intuitive website, as well as the implementation of an extension within the site for online room reservations. I had to constantly report progress reports and partial deliveries on a very specific timeline
Jul `19 - May `23
4 years
Craft Brewery
When it first came to us it was just an idea. The project consisted of developing the image, corporate identity, business plan, communication, social media, marketing campaings, website, Online shop, launch and events.
Responsibilities & achievements
I was the direct contact with the client, my job was to understand their objectives and needs. With that information, I establish the action plan for each department involved inside and outside the company (when a supplier was needed) and coordinate the different departments involved for the execution of tasks simultaneously. During the Project I had weekly and sometimes daily meetings with the departments involved
Mexlion Networks
May `19 - May `19
Business Network
3 franchises of Business Network International, a member of the holding companies. Two of the great challenges of the franchise were the marketing strategies to attract new partners and clients and the implementation of in-person and virtual events
Responsibilities & achievements
Regarding digital marketing, my job consisted of bringing together the groups and talents necessary for the conceptualization and execution of an effective digital marketing strategy to meet growth objectives. This involved the review of proposals, budget allocation, scope review, performance evaluation and delivery of monthly reports. Regarding the events area, my job was to understand the objectives and scope desired by the franchise, aligned with the annual work plan. Conceptualize the theme of the event, whether in-person, virtual or hybrid. I also did important public relations work to obtain sponsorships, speakers and negotiation with suppliers. My work did not end until the closing meeting of the event, where we evaluated the final result of the event, which of course implied getting involved at all times in the preproduction, execution, and problem solving of the event itself. I was in charge of coordinating all the people and departments involved in it
Rodeo Cruzelis Pizza
May `19 - May `19
Culinary Business
When the Pizza chain arrived with us, it had the intention of becoming franchises, extend its presence nationwide and venture into this business model.
Responsibilities & achievements
My role consisted of gathering and coordinating the specialized team for the development of this new business model. Parallel to this, we redesigned the logo and corporate identity, for which I also gathered and coordinated the specialist team. I had weekly meetings with the people involved to execute the tasks simultaneously. At the end of the delivery of the initial project, we also carried out a campaign for the commercialization of the franchises, with me being in charge of directing the sales team and the campaigns that we would implement such as advertising, activations in BTL campaigns and participation in events
Legal Firm
World Wide Independent Lawyers League is an international league of lawyers. Originated in Italy and with a presence in more than 50 countries, WILL seeks to bring together the best lawyers specializing in every legal practice, allowing the asociated firms to handle international legal matters. The Mexico and Latin America region was one of the companies of the holding.
Responsibilities & achievements
Regarding digital marketing, my work consisted of bringing together the groups and talents necessary for the conceptualization and execution of an effective digital marketing strategy to meet growth objectives regarding affiliations of new legal firms and specializations in Mexico and America. Latina This involved the review of proposals, budget allocation, scope review, performance evaluation and delivery of weekly reports. Also the area of virtual events was of vital importance, especially for the integration and presentations of firms and lawyers between different countries. My job in this area was to plan the theme of the event and execute effective dynamics for both simultaneous translation into different languages, as well as to execute effective presentations among partners in the established time and in different time zones. One of the biggest challenges was the planning and execution of the league's first international congress in Cancun Mexico, this entailed important public relations work to obtain sponsorships, lodging, flight coordination, speakers and negotiation with suppliers. My participation required me to be involved at all times in the pre-production, execution, and problem solving of the event itself. I was in charge of coordinating all the people and departments involved in it.
Higher Education
HOUSTON/United States
Core Expertise
E-Commerce & Retail, Banking & Finance, Information services & Technologies, Service & Support, SaaS
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