Gaston G.
Location Map Pin Argentina
Main Clock UTC-03:00 (America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
Experienced iOS developer skilled in building UI components and integrating APIs using Swift and SwiftUI. 7+ years delivering quality iOS apps.
I am a skilled iOS developer with over 7 years of experience building high-quality, feature-rich mobile applications. My expertise lies in crafting intuitive user interfaces, implementing engaging designs, and integrating with backend APIs to deliver seamless user experiences. Key Highlights: 1. Currently working as an iOS Developer Engineer at FieldView, I develop and maintain iOS apps using Swift, SwiftUI, UIKit, and other core frameworks. I have hands-on experience with third-party libraries like Realm for data persistence and Firebase for backend integration. 2. As a freelance iOS Developer since 2018, I have collaborated with various clients to build custom iOS applications from the ground up. I am well-versed in leveraging APIs, implementing best practices for app architecture (MVC, MVVM), and ensuring optimal performance. 3. During my tenure at 4Geeks as an iOS Developer, I honed my skills in Swift, Objective-C, and RxSwift while working on diverse projects. I have a strong command of Xcode, Swift Package Manager, and unit testing frameworks to ensure code quality and maintainability. 4. I have completed advanced iOS development courses from renowned institutions like Stanford University and Udacity, keeping myself updated with the latest industry trends and best practices. 5. Through my GitHub projects, I showcase my ability to build compelling UI components, integrate APIs, and develop fully functional iOS apps independently. With a keen eye for detail, strong problem-solving skills, and a passion for creating exceptional mobile experiences, I am confident in my ability to contribute as an individual iOS developer. I am excited about the opportunity to bring my skills to your team and deliver outstanding results.