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Extensive experience in all phases of the project development life cycle for mission-critical ntier high-scale software applications.
Extensive experience in all phases of the project development life cycle for mission-critical ntier high-scale software applications: from requirements analysis and domain modeling to coding, testing and deployment; specializing in building high-performance web apps. Software Architecture - Experienced in transforming first generation web-Apps into high-scale Resource Oriented Servicebased ecosystems capable of scaling to thousands of transactions per day. Experienced in turning product requirements into functioning software products and developing high quality multitier, node clustered, fault-tolerant architectures. Restful Web Services and Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) – I have extensive experience integrating applications with remote clients via RESTful Web Services & GraphQL Servers. User Interface Design and Implementation - Experienced in developing user interfaces for applications utilizing HTML, CSS (SASS & LESS), JavaScript (vanilla JS, ES6 & Typescript), Storybook, Chromatic, NPM, yarn, Webpack, Gulp and Grunt. Familiar with modern full-stack development with NodeJS (express, NestJS & Koa), ReactJS, React Native, AngularJS, Vue.js and handlebars, Redux, Recoil & Jotai. Also, hands-on experience with Photoshop Sympli, Figma & Adobe XD. Personal Qualities - Self-motivated, goals oriented, quick thinker and good communicator with excellent references, able to learn systems quickly and implement rational and cost-effective solutions for software development projects, Pygmalion effect evangelist.
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Years of commercial development experience
10 years of experience
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Project Highlights
Sep `22 - Feb `24
1 year
Enforced code guidelines, reducing Frontend code smells by 30%.
Responsibilities & achievements
Improved testing strategies, resulting in a 15% reduction in production issues, and reaching a 75% coverage threshold. Invest time looking for issues, documenting them and creating strategies to fix them without impacting the delivery time of the product. Developed and maintained several modules across several projects with technologies like React, Typescript, RTL, Redux, React-query, NestJS, StoryBook, vitest, React Testing Library, Ruby on Rails, and Golang. Support in production issues with tools like pager duty, Datadog and Grafana. Active EDD reviewer Being part of typescript/FE code owners. Work across numerous teams, including product owners & designers. Mentoring new team members.
Aug `21 - Sep `22
1 year
● Actively participate on road map plannings, architecture decisions, scrum ceremonies.
Responsibilities & achievements
● Mentoring new team members. ● Had recurrent 1:1 meetings with team members, to give and get feedback. Investigate, find and bring solutions for productions bugs, relying on tools like Splunk & Data dog. ● Unlock team members. ● Hands on working on several projects, like the React Native client repo, GraphQL server and microservices across the goPuff ecosystem.
Dec `20 - Aug `21
8 months
● Currently working in frontend & backend technologies like: ReactJS, Typescript, React Native, GraphQL (Apollo Server/Client & urql), Koa, Azure, Storybook, Chromatic, Jest & Cypress.
Responsibilities & achievements
● Actively working on checkout and cart implementation in the customer mobile app(IOS & Android) & web app. ● In the last year, I’ve implemented the payment flow using Braintree & GraphQL. ● Working close to design & product teams to design, develop & deploy new features for the customer app. ● Active pull request reviewer as part of the project code owners. ● Hands-on experience creating stories on storybook for our components, including proper unit tests using Jest (react testing library & React Native testing library). ● I’ve created E2E for the checkout user flow using Cypress. ● Experience creating & testing custom hooks. ● Experience with Recoil and Jotai as state managers.
Hotwire / Expedia
Apr `18 - Dec `20
3 years
● Developed custom reusable components with technologies like ReactJS & AngularJS.
Responsibilities & achievements
● Implementation of lazy loading, this led to improving the speed of the site by around ~25%. https://www.hotwire.com/ ● Worked close to Product owners, marketing team and designers. ● Hands-on experience creating and maintaining CI Jenkins pipelines. ● Experience using Splunk & Datadog to track issues from logs in QA, staging and production environments. ● I’ve created several unit tests w/ Jasmine and Jest (React testing library) & E2E’s w/ protractor, webdriver.io & cypress. ● I’ve created a node CLI tool to automate tasks with technologies like NodeJS & Puppeteer. ● Experience writing custom CSS animations. I wrote and maintained webpack configurations for the main project. ● Experience implementing A/B testing. ● Experience with Adobe Omniture and Tealium to track customer info. ● Use GitHub & Bitbucket as VCS. ● Actively participating in the scrum ceremonies (standup, grooming, pre-grooming, deep dives, planning’s & retros). ● Participating in planning and developing the migration of the main project to ReactJS (SSR) + Redux. ● Work close to management, and product planning the road maps for the next quarter. ● Actively participating in architecture & planning decisions. ● Guide and mentoring new developers. ● Lead a small team (4 members), taking care of performance and career paths. ● I’ve worked on the creation of a custom UI system of custom components for the lodging project (ReactJS). ● Review PR from every developer to discuss improvements in the code. ● Experience monitoring our release process with our Datadog and Splunk dashboards, to detect and resolve potential issues in case they exist. ● I’ve participated in the pager duty schedule to address high-priority bugs.__
Geodis SCO
Sep `17 - Apr `18
7 months
● Update, fix and refactor legacy supply chain systems.
Responsibilities & achievements
● I designed and developed analytics dashboards for the Financial, Oil and BI teams. ● Worked with UI frameworks like Angular Material, Bulma and Semantic UI. ● Hands-on experience with chart libraries like chart.js, High charts and amCharts. ● Develop APIs with technologies like Laravel and NodeJS (express). ● Improved query performance (MySQL) in legacy systems, saving around 10~15 seconds per request. ● Develop a whole deploy pipeline for the projects, including webpack custom config to Jenkins pipelines. ● Worked close to the Financial and BI team to write custom internal software. ● Manage Nginx and Apache configs. ● Automated send of PDF and Excel reports via email.
Higher education in Computer Science
Ciudad de Mexico/Mexico,Austin/United States,Cuernavaca/Mexico
Core Expertise
Banking & Finance, Internet & Telecom, Beauty & Personal Care, Big Data
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