Liliia S.
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UTC +02:00
I am QA with 2 years of experience in the US market
I gained professional experience in Quality Control during courses at SoftServe IT Academy. I am a competent and organized individual who can work in a team and do several tasks simultaneously. I can quickly master new material. I possess precise attention to detail. As a Quality Control Engineer, I work on a variety of functions, mainly requirements analysis, test design specifications, test-case implementation, test case execution, test design techniques application (Static, Dynamic, Boundary value analysis, Equivalence Partitioning), defects reporting, and bug tracking, etc. I understand Smoke Testing, Functional Testing, Usability Testing, GUI testing, other types of Non-functional Testing, Confirmation Testing, and Regression Testing. Also, I gained a great experience in Kentico and Postman programs. In 2023, I successfully passed ISTQB certification.
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Years of commercial development experience
2 years of experience
Core technologies
Other technologies
Project Highlights
Information Technology Academy Schedule (ITA Schedule)
US company
Web-application which allows Students, Administrator and Teachers see schedule of IT academy and manage events in the schedule grid. At application registered user can create, edit end delete list of teachers, list of groups and events of the IT academy.
Responsibilities & achievements
Requirements analysis. Test design specification development. Test case implementation. Test case execution. Defects reporting. Results reporting.
OMS Application
US company
Ordering Managing System application that allows to add new and delete existing users, manage existing users, add, edit and delete products, create and save orders.
Responsibilities & achievements
Developing test cases. Executing test cases. Requirements analysis. Improvement and Clarification developing. Confirmation and regression testing. Defects reporting. Business Emailing.
School Portal
US company
Web-application that allows teachers, parents and students view the schedule. Parents can also track the rating of their child. Teachers can set ratings for pupils and manage the schedule.
Responsibilities & achievements
Test Execution. Defects Reporting.
Kinli Application
US company
The Web/mobile application that allows to provide the people who want to lose the weight to do it in the best way. There are 3 roles involved into the process: Member; Provider and Admin.
Responsibilities & achievements
Functional and non-functional testing. Bug reporting. Requirements analysis. Confirmation and regression testing. Business communicating.
Auto Valet
US company
Functional and non-functional testing. Bug reporting. Requirements analysis. Confirmation and regression testing. Business communicating. Kentico testing.
Responsibilities & achievements
Functional and non-functional testing. Bug reporting. Requirements analysis. Confirmation and regression testing. Business communicating. Kentico testing.
Zymna Voda, Andrey Sheptytsky Street, 81110
Core Expertise
Education & Science, E-Commerce & Retail, Human Resources & Career, Advertising & Marketing
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