Hennadii M.
Location Map Pin Ukraine
Main Clock UTC+02:00 (Ukraine/Kyiv)
A Python Developer with 5 years of experience.
Hi there! My name is Hennadii, and I am a Python Developer with 5 years of experience. From Python I have worked with FastAPI, Django, DRF and Flask frameworks. In my work I like to use Docker, from cloud providers I can help you with AWS and Heroku. I'm experienced developer in SQL and noSQL databases, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Neo4j, ElasticSearch, Redis. Before writing the code, I study your project and your needs. My goal is to help you solve the tasks you've got. My most outstanding qualities are good communication skills, hard-worker, clarity and accuracy in work, and willingness to always achieve the desired result for the customer. I quickly learn new tools and technologies and my mind is always open.