Victor V.
Location Map Pin Colombia
Main Clock UTC-05:00 (America/Bogota)
Sr Android Developer for more than 8 years of experience
He has been a senior Android Developer for more than 8 years. He has been specializing in Android mobile application development since version 1.6 of the system. In his experience, he has had to know the SDK deeply, creating 2 applications for private use from scratch, getting involved from the "User Experience" stage to the logic of the business rules and the interaction with the REST API. In his work, he used many popular libraries that have helped him to do his tasks more efficiently, such as Material Design for interface design, Butterknife to simplify the use of boilerplate code, Retrofit for internet, Ormlite, and Room for the base of data, connect to a REST-Full API using JSON, and many other things. He also has experience developing with TDD methodology and unit tests. In all his projects, he uses Git in an essential way. He currently uses the latest techniques and tools recommended by the Android development team, using Kotlin as the programming language in Android Studio 3.