Tomas M.
Location Map Pin Argentina
Main Clock UTC-03:00 (America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
Experienced FS SW engineer with expertise in web3, microservices, AWS, and agile dev, delivering solutions for companies like RGA, and Mercado Libre.
Here's the About Me section for Tomás, written in the first person: I am a passionate full-stack software engineer with a strong interest in exploring and working with cutting-edge technologies. My expertise lies in a wide range of areas, including web3, microservices, and AWS cloud infrastructure. One of my most notable experiences is working with niche technologies such as Solidity, Truffle, and Bitcoin Core. As a full-stack developer at Minando Bitcoin, I had the opportunity to research and develop a web3 application, which allowed me to showcase my ability to adapt to emerging trends in the industry. Throughout my career, I have contributed to the success of several well-known companies. Currently, at RGA: Reinsurance Group of America, I am part of a team that uses agile methodologies to develop and maintain AWS resources and a web application for internal use. Prior to this, at Mercado Libre, I played a key role in collaborating with cross-functional teams to validate requirements, estimate tasks, and implement development and test plans for various initiatives. With a strong foundation in both back-end and front-end technologies, I have demonstrated my versatility as a full-stack developer. I have worked with a diverse set of tools and frameworks, including NodeJS, .NET, Java, React, Angular, and more. My experience also extends to infrastructure technologies such as Terraform, Kubernetes, Docker, and Jenkins. I hold a degree in Information Systems Engineering from the National Technological University in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I am fluent in Spanish and have an advanced level of English proficiency.