Sergio Rangel A.
Location Map Pin Cuba
Main Clock UTC-05:00 (America/Havana)
Computer Scientist with +4 years of experience in web and mobile application development
• Through the use of architectures like Clean Architecture or DDD, I managed to structure the project maximizing code reusability. • I created adaptive widgets that allowed us to make the UI of the app more consistent with the OS where the app was running, using Material UI when the app runs on Android and Cupertino when the same app runs on iOS. • Designed the DevOps and CI/CD workflows. This allowed us to make automatic releases, minimizing the app's development time. • In the last 3 years, I have participated in the development of three mobile applications using Flutter. Two of them are published (for Android and iOS) and the third is in the internal testing stage prior to its release. • I trained 4 junior developers in Flutter from scratch and these 4 developers are currently working with excellent results on version two of one of the projects I developed.