Mykola K.
Location Map Pin Ukraine
Main Clock UTC+02:00 (Ukraine/Kyiv)
Senior Full-Stack Developer
8+ years of commercial experience in a frontend software development role: • 4+ years of experience using React.js (15-16) and technologies: Redux/Axios/React Route. • 5+ years of experience using TypeScript. • 21+ years of experience using JavaScript, including ES6+ syntax and more ECMAScript. • 15+ years of experience using JQuery, Sencha Ext.js, Knockout.js, Kendo UI, etc. • 2+ years of experience using Angular (11-15)/RxJs/NgRx/Angular/Material/Akita/CDK/Angular Universal (SSR)/Angular Testing Library/Cypress. • SEO, SPA, PWA, REST, GraphQL. 14+ years of commercial experience in a full-stack software development role: • 5+ years of experience using Node.js with Exress.js. • 2+ years .Net (C#) design web and backend app on Azure Portal. • 11+ years of experience using PHP (5-8.2) with Zend Framework, Laravel, and Yii2. • 4 years experience in Progress 4GL ABL OpenEdge/TypeORM/Mongoose, Sentry, CircleCI. • 6+ years of commercial experience in automation testing in JS and Python. • F2F automation testing stack: Jasmine, Cypress, Protractor, and Pytest. • Unit and integration testing: Jest, Angular Testing Library. • Automation testing on iOS and Android devices with Appium tool etc. 28 years of experience with Databases: • Knowledge of relational databases: MySQL, Oracle Database, MS SQL Server, OpenEdge, SQLite, PostgreSQL, MS Access, etc. • 6+ years experience in NoSQL: MongoDB, Redis, etc. • Experience in Debugging tools: Chrome DevTools, Firefox FireBug, Safari Web Inspector, Progress Fiddler, Charles Proxy, Wireshark, etc. • Experience with Version Control Systems (Mercurial, Git, Bazaar) and Cloud VC Services (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket). Experience with DevOps tools: Docker, Jenkins, TeamCity, Sentry, Graffana, ELK Stack, etc. • 5+ years of Android applications development, Java with knowledge of the Android SDK. • 2+ years of iOS mobile applications development, Swift, with knowledge of the Swift UI SDK. • 13+ years of commercial experience with foreign customers and international team collaboration.