Roman N.
Location Map Pin Ukraine
Main Clock UTC+02:00 (Ukraine/Kyiv)
Senior PHP Developer
Tech-savvy PHP Developer proficient in fundamental front-end languages and server-side languages with In-depth knowledge of MySQL. Analytical and precise professional with 10+ years of hands-on experience taking charge of front and back-end web development. Skillful creating servers and databases for functionality and designing and developing APIs. Hardworking collaborator with track record of superior results. ✓ Project infrastructure maintenance ✓ Implementing REST API and ETL scripts ✓ Integrated third-party services e.g. payment gateways, external storage, and enterprise CMS ✓ Contributed ideas and suggestions, and delivered updates on deadlines. ✓ Reviewed code to validate structures, assess security, and verify browser, device, and operating system compatibility ✓ Trained and supervised team members