Carlos L.
Location Map Pin El Salvador
Main Clock UTC-06:00 (America/El_Salvador)
Experienced fullstack engineer skilled in React.js, Python, and PostgreSQL. Delivers robust mobile apps, APIs, and AI solutions for diverse projects.
1. I have led the development of numerous high-quality mobile apps and enterprise software solutions using my expertise in iOS, Android, and full-stack technologies. 2. I designed and implemented scalable APIs and microservices using Node.js, Express, Python, and PostgreSQL. 3. With my strong background in AI and machine learning, I developed and deployed cutting-edge AI solutions using Python, PyTorch, and XGB. 4. I have extensive experience in smart contract development using Solidity, Ethereum, and Solana, contributing to the growth of the DeFi ecosystem. 5. Throughout my career, I have successfully managed and mentored agile development teams, fostering a culture of innovation and delivering exceptional results consistently.