Joshua F.
Location Map Pin Ecuador
Main Clock UTC-05:00 (America/Guayaquil)
Sr Drupal Developer
System Engineer with broad knowledge of all kinds of web development technologies, tools, methodologies, and more. His strengths are Drupal 7, 8 & 9, OOP, PHP (All versions), AJAX, MVC, Node.js, Sails.js, Javascript, Knockout.js, Vue.js, Ember, PostgreSQL, MySQL, GraphQL, MongoDB, RESTful, CSS3, XHTML, Kohana, twig, Blade, Handlebars, Laravel, Yii Framework, Agile, Scrum, HTML5, Amazon EC2, AWS, Docker, Gulp.js, Webpack, Grunt.js, Docker, Vagrant, Pantheon, Continuous Integration workflow. Joshua worked for almost 6 years doing MVC PHP frameworks-based web development and around 8 years doing Drupal from microsites to huge team projects that sometimes involved more than 15 people working on the same site (Dev related only).