Kenneth R.
Location Map Pin Costa Rica
Main Clock UTC-06:00 (America/Costa_Rica)
Senior Software Engineer boasting more than 6 years of immersive experience in the full software development lifecycle.
As a seasoned Senior Software Engineer boasting more than 6 years of immersive experience in the full software development lifecycle, he has consistently upheld a track record of exemplary performance while playing a pivotal role in driving the triumph of numerous projects within the software industry. He has knowledge of a lot of languages and frameworks, such as Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, React.js, NextJS, Go, Python, Express.js, Django, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular.js, and Vue.js. He has experience using databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MongoDB, and he has also worked with Jenkins, Travis CI, CircleCI, GitHub Actions, REST, and GraphQL. His proficiencies extend beyond the realm of technical expertise, encompassing a robust foundation of both soft and technical skills that have been meticulously honed through dedicated training in the field of software engineering. He has enthusiasm for emerging technologies and methods and has good communication and problem-solving skills.