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Years of commercial development experience
7 years of experience
Core technologies
Other technologies
Project Highlights
Music Royalties Distribution Platform
May `20 - May `24
4 years
Musical rights, agreements and usages management system Management system for musical claims.
Responsibilities & achievements
Designed database models; ▪ Designed API endpoints; ▪ Optimized and refactored backend; ▪ Introduced tests to a project; ▪ Replaced Celery with Dramatiq for backend tasks; ▪ Formed and parsed XLSX/CSV/TSV reports; ▪ Set up authorization using Azure; ▪ Implemented client to communicate with another application via GraphQL API; ▪ Introduced Clickhouse database as a secondary database, filled with data from external sources.
Indoor restaurant analytics (ML-based calculation of queue length to optimize costs) and video processing.
May `20 - May `22
2 years
Indoor restaurant analytics (ML-based calculation of queue length to optimize costs) and video processing.
Responsibilities & achievements
Designed database models; ▪ Designed API endpoints; ▪ Implemented utils to generate videos feed from images; ▪ Set up use of ffmpeg in pair with cv2 to speed up video feed generating, ▪ Implemented asynchronous S3 upload/download using aioboto.
Language learning system based on microservices.
Jan `19 - May `20
1 year
Language learning system based on microservices.
Responsibilities & achievements
- Designed database models; ▪ Designed API endpoints; ▪ Optimized and refactored backend; ▪ Implemented tests; ▪ Participated in planning sessions.
Banners resizing web application.
Jan `18 - Jan `19
1 year
Banners resizing web application.
Responsibilities & achievements
- Backend development - developed resizing algorithm (including parsing and updating js scripts and html pages); ▪ Implemented resizing algorithm; ▪ Code for parsing HTML, JS and CSS.
Instagram Scraper
Jan `17 - Dec `17
11 months
Asynchronous multiprocessing scraping Instagram posts.
Responsibilities & achievements
-Backend Developer - developed scraper, API.
Higher education in Computer Science
Kharkiv/Ukraine, Tallinn/Estonia
Core Expertise
Education & Science, E-Commerce & Retail, Healthcare & Medicine, Audio & Music, Data Science & Machine Learning, Conversational automation
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