Marcin Z.
Location Map Pin Poland
Main Clock UTC+01:00 (Europe/Warsaw)
Experienced Software Developer skilled in Python, AWS, and PHP, with a proven track record in designing and implementing robust software solutions.
Experienced Software Developer skilled in Python, AWS, and PHP . Proven track record in designing and implementing robust software solutions, including highly available infrastructures. Strong problem-solving abilities and proactive approach to challenges. I have a lot of fun when setting up local environments, creating API services with Django + DRF, integrating with 3rd party services, and writing SQL/ORM queries with automation. Key Competencies: · Innovative software solutions using Python, PostgreSQL, Redis, AWS services. · Software development with frequent requirements changes and scalability challenges. · Identification, analysis, and optimization of business processes. · Knowledge of creating reports for statistics and business intelligence. · Experience with project management methodologies: Agile, PMBOK, Lean Canvas.