Artem O.
Location Map Pin Ukraine
Main Clock UTC+02:00 (Ukraine/Kyiv)
Front-end developer with 8 years of hands-on experience. Fluent in the languages that make websites & mobile apps thick.
With eight years of hands-on experience as a front-end developer, Artem is deeply entrenched in the languages that power both websites and mobile applications: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and a plethora of front-end frameworks. Over the years, he has honed his skills to produce top-notch code that not only functions flawlessly but also crafts unforgettable user experiences. In addition to his expertise in web development, he has delved into the realm of Android development, further broadening his skill set. One notable project, under a non-disclosure agreement (NDA), involved a React project where he contributed to the development of a Next.js admin panel tailored for organizations interconnected as charging networks. Upon joining the project, he took charge of implementing new features, resolving numerous bugs, and conducting extensive refactoring to enhance the overall codebase. Another NDA-bound endeavor revolved around a React Native project aimed at facilitating charging station bookings. This application provided users with the capability to locate stations via a map interface, monitor real-time statuses, and reserve them for the upcoming month. Serving as the lead developer, I spearheaded the entire development process, from conceptualization to architecture design and deployment. This involved intricate integrations such as Google Maps utilization, Stripe payment system integration, and seamless communication with Firebase services, including deep linking functionality. Furthermore, his ongoing pet project, "InTimer," serves as a testament to his commitment to continuous improvement and self-education within the development landscape. This project, hosted on GitHub, serves as a platform for him to explore cutting-edge technologies, refine my skills in CI/CD pipelines, and showcase my prowess in various tech stacks. In conclusion, his extensive experience as a front-end developer coupled with his foray into Android development positions him as a versatile and adept professional capable of delivering exceptional solutions across a myriad of platforms and technologies.