Upper Intermediate
Roger G.
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UTC -04:00
Upper Intermediate
I’m Roger I have been working as a developer for more than 10 years.
I’m Roger I have been working as a developer for more than 10 years. During this time I have the opportunity to work in different large companies as a fullstack developer in different government sectors (economy, electricity, tax authority) and private companies (health, insurance) with different frameworks and languages, in some of them I have the opportunity to lead small teams for a short time, working on very interesting projects, always happy to contribute ideas and continue learning. My way of working is always proactive, responsible, communicative, always trying to follow the work methodologies proposed by the company of which I am a part and always with the interest of learning more and improving to always be a better professional.
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Years of commercial development experience
8 years of experience
Core technologies
Other technologies
Project Highlights
Aug `23 - May `24
9 months
I am in charge of creating and implementing new features, fixing bugs and improving the process.
Responsibilities & achievements
• Introduce additional functionalities within the student's module. • Build a new module specifically designed for teachers. • Develop a custom script to facilitate data migration and integration into the database. • Implement a streamlined process to automatically forward messages from GitHub tickets to the relevant module within the application. • Technologies used: React, Node, Postgres, Jest, Git, Typescript, Scrum, Redux, html, css, TypeORM, axios
Sep `21 - Aug `23
2 years
My role in the company was create new features for the application, implement scripts to fix the data and CRONS to process data.
Responsibilities & achievements
• Implement a new module for managing customer feedback on services. • Extend the application by creating new components for filtering responses by garages or tags. • Design and generate monthly and weekly reports showcasing customer satisfaction levels and service-related complaints at various establishments. • Integrate a new filtering component based on country selection into the application. • Create diagnostic scripts to troubleshoot data-related issues effectively. • Develop a process for sending email alerts to detect login errors from customers using Google or Facebook authentication. • Technologies used: Vue, Node, Mongo, Graphql, Git, Typescript, html, scss, Mongoose, Mocha, Heroku, axios
Bisa Seguros y Reaseguros
Feb `19 - Jun `21
2 years
My duties in this company were to design and implement a new assurance system to have a better customer experience.
Responsibilities & achievements
• Devised a new system of risk assessment and management to insure clients. • Developed new frontend architecture with reusable components, including: design, maintenance, and evolution of the architecture. • Boosted development speed by 40% through components. • Created a new system to manage clients ́ requests when facing an accident or illness. I enabled different forms of payment (qr, debit card, tigo Money), developed a quote module using. • Designed a new structure to improve customer service and eliminate queues for immediate attention and improve payment methods • Technologies used: Vue, Java, SqlServer, Git, Javascript, Scrum, Vuetify, html, css, axios
Higher education in Computer Science
Lima, Peru
Core Expertise
Logistics & Transportation, E-Commerce & Retail, Banking & Finance
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