Mariya K.
Location Map Pin Ukraine
Main Clock UTC+02:00 (Ukraine/Kyiv)
Experienced Software Test Automation Engineer
5 years in UI automation testing (Selenium + Java + Cucumber | Selenide + Java+ Cucumber | Selenide + Java) | 5 years in API automation testing (Rest assured + Java+ Cucumber| Rest assured + Java) | Automation end-to-end scenarios with different input data sets | Creating API Automation framework from scratch for production project | Updating Automation tests: Regression UI, API tests, Mobile API tests | Creating and maintaining SQL queries for DB testing | User Stories analysis, clarifying, testing and verifying | Creating data setup using JMeter tool | Specification and Documentation analysis, testcases and check-lists creating based on requirements | Investigating and detailed defects reporting | Reviewing and updating existing tests and check-lists according to changes in Specifications | Investigating, defects reporting and verifying