Diego F.
Location Map Pin Mexico
Main Clock UTC-06:00 (America/Mexico_City)
Highly skilled and dedicated Fullstack Developer with a specialization in Front-end technologies.
+7 years of experience Highly skilled and dedicated Fullstack Developer with a specialization in Front-end technologies. Front-end Development: 1. Robust knowledge of JavaScript and contemporary front-end development practices. 2. Extensive expertise in HTML, CSS, and CSS preprocessors such as Sass and PostCSS. 3. Proficient in React.js and associated libraries and frameworks, including Next.js, and Remix. 4. Familiarity with responsive design, mobile-first development, and UI/UX best practices. 5. Proficient in front-end build tools and package managers such as Webpack and npm. 6. Adept at utilizing Tailwind CSS for rapid prototyping and styling web components. 7. Experience with static site generators like Eleventy or Gatsby and templating engines like Nunjucks. Back-end Development: 1. Solid comprehension of server-side technologies such as Node.js and Express.js. 2.Proven track record of working with RESTful APIs and seamlessly integrating front-end applications with back-end services. 3. Proficient in databases like MongoDB or MySQL.