Manuel Lajo S.
Location Map Pin Peru
Main Clock UTC-05:00 (America/Lima)
Senior Full-stack Software Engineer
- Fullstack Engineer with over 14 years of experience in software development and design. - Remote work experience for over 7 years with companies in the United States, utilizing technologies such as React, JavaScript, Vue, Angular, Node.js, Python, .NET, and AWS. - Experience across various industries including Healthcare, Retail, Logistics, Legaltech, Real Estate, and E-commerce. - Involvement in all stages of the software lifecycle, from large companies to startups, with a focus on understanding the business value based on product needs. - Currently working as a contractor at GoDaddy, tackling both new development projects and legacy products. - Fullstack development skills and experience, proficient in front-end development. - Demonstrated effectiveness as a technical leader and willingness to take on leadership roles while actively contributing to code development.