Muhammad A.
Location Map Pin Pakistan
Main Clock UTC+05:00 (Asia/Karachi)
Innovative Developer with 6+ years of experience coding and developing requirement based solutions from initial concept to final polished deliverable
Here are top 3 recent projects and achievements listed EML (Elite Med Labs): 1. Developed a web-based middleware for synchronizing HL7 messages across various labs, enhancing data exchange efficiency. 2. Implemented comprehensive portals for doctors, admins, and patients, improving user experience and operational transparency. 3. Automated lab order and result management processes, significantly reducing manual entry errors and processing times. CMI (Conversion Monster Integration): 1. Engineered a CRM synchronization tool that auto-updates leads across different platforms, streamlining lead management. 2. Deployed on GCP Cloud Run using a serverless architecture, achieving high scalability and reliability. 3. Managed to handle over 300 requests per second, with millisecond response times, enhancing system responsiveness and user satisfaction. PocketISAi: 1. Created an AI-powered CRM tool using OpenAI's GPT-4, automating interactions and increasing engagement with real estate leads. 2. Trained on over 50,000 real dialogues, enabling the AI to provide human-like responses and improve lead conversion rates. 3. Integrated advanced CRM functionalities, such as campaign management and activity tracking, to provide a comprehensive solution for real estate professionals.