Andrii H.
Location Map Pin United Kingdom
Main Clock UTC+00:00 (Europe/London)
Persistent and detail-oriented developer with a huge ability to learn fast and be always updated
I developed a content management system (CMS) that enabled AI model training and customization for a major bank, improving their customer support services significantly. I led the architectural design and development of a high-load sports event platform that serviced thousands of users, integrating real-time promotions and role-based access control. I successfully executed a complete redesign and performance optimization for an e-commerce website for a luxury fashion brand, which included seamless Stripe API integration for secure transactions. I built a web platform that utilizes advanced data analytics for LinkedIn profiles, employing technologies like OAuth, JWT, and Redis caching to enhance performance and user experience. I pioneered a Google Chrome extension for LinkedIn that automates data extraction and analysis, improving the efficiency of profile management for business users. I have taught several web development workshops, focusing on React.js and Node.js, which have equipped dozens of developers with the skills needed to succeed in the fast-evolving tech landscape.