Billy R.
Vetted by YouTeam
UTC -06:00
Frontend developer with 4 years of experience, using react.js and next.js.
Frontend developer with 4 years of experience, using react.js and next.js.
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Years of commercial development experience
4 years of experience
Core technologies
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Project Highlights
Web Developer
Oct `21 - May `24
3 years
Softtek México
• Collaborated in the migration of AngularJS application to the latest NextJS stable version. • Participated on development throughout the entire lifecycle of the application. • Implement to use of validation libraries such React-form. • Context-API and Redux Implementation. • Continue integration and deployment using Bambo & Octopus. • Responsive design pages. • Use of Git/Bitbucket as version control.
Responsibilities & achievements
• API REST Integrations. • Maintenance to the current business functionalities and adding new ones. • Integration of user authentication and role feature to frontend application. • Development of new modules and features. • Implementation of reusable and scalable components • Translated from base Figma prototypes/Mockups to legible code. • Test/debugging applications with React Testing library, JestJS and Cypress. • Error/bug detection and fixes. • Optimize application performance. • Maintenance to the current libraries and implementation of new ones such xsl, recharts, Google-maps, PDFJs, etc. • Styling components with Bootstrap, CSS, SCSS, MaterialUI. • JSON Manipulation.
May `20 - Sep `21
1 year
E-commerce App | Expense Management and Movie App | User control App
• E-commerce application built in NextJS (TypeScript) integrated with NodeJS(ExpressJS) in backend and MongoDB across SSR • Implementation of custom hooks, userauthentication, role feature, admin dashboard and fireStore to store asset files. • Integrate backend with mobile app (React Native CLI). • Implement Routing/Navigation screens.
Responsibilities & achievements
• JSON Web Token (JWT) & Bcrypt Implementation. • Paypal checkout payments. • Integrated charts into the app (recharts/chartJS). • Responsive design and MaterialUI as stylish library. • Vercel deployment. • API REST implementation using GraphQL (Apollo Server) and MongoDB. • Integration to fronted side with ReactJS (ApolloClient). • Use of state management (REDUX). • Dynamic and responsive design. • GitHub deployment. • CRUD application connected to SQLite across Prisma (ORM) using NestJS.
Higher education in Computer Science
Mexico City and Toluca
Core Expertise
Banking & Finance, Big Data
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