Adelina S.
Location Map Pin Ukraine
Main Clock UTC+02:00 (Ukraine/Kyiv)
My expertise includes creating user-centric designs, conducting user research and implementing design best practices to enhance user experience.
- I led the UX audit and redesign for a cloud-based business services platform, improving user satisfaction and increasing client engagement by 25%. - I successfully redesigned a running app, enhancing its user experience and visual appeal, which resulted in a 30% increase in user retention. - I spearheaded the design of a finance app, creating a comprehensive design system and interactive lessons that boosted user engagement by 30%. - I developed a CRM system for dentists, integrating innovative features such as disease progression visualization and treatment planning, which streamlined the workflow and improved patient management efficiency. - I optimized a rental fintech startup’s user interface, through comprehensive competitor analysis and usability testing, which significantly enhanced the user experience and streamlined the rental process. - I created a user-friendly and engaging mental health app, incorporating narrative-based stories and guided audio tracks, which contributed to a 50% increase in active users within the first three months.