Fernando C.
Location Map Pin Mexico
Main Clock UTC-06:00 (America/Mexico_City)
End-to-end Senior Product Designer who drives projects from conception to pixel-perfect delivery.
- Successfully implemented a new Design System in one of the largest healthcare companies in Florida. - Reduced turnaround times for requesting new workflows. - Collaborated with a talented team of female entrepreneurs who aimed to highlight and share Mexican traditions of celebrating Dia de Muertos virtually. - Educated and mentored over 10 different UX Designers who are now working in various companies across Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, and Brazil. - Participated in various events, delivering talks on how to enter the field of UX and focusing on highlighting design standards, accessibility, and creating visually appealing work. - Being one of the designers chosen to create one of the largest marketplaces in Mexico with Coppel. - Being the first Senior Product Design Leader at one of Mexico's largest medical service organizations, where I created their first Design System.