Leoner P.
Location Map Pin Venezuela
Main Clock UTC-04:30 (America/Caracas)
I'm a Software Engineer with 10+ years of experience across many areas and stakeholding positions in the product development cycle.
I'm a Software Engineer with 10+ years of experience across many areas and stakeholding positions in the product development cycle. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science specializing in Software Engineering and a coursework in artificial intelligence. Experienced with Ruby, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, React, Vue, Java, PHP, Python, GraphQL, C, C++, SQL, NoSQL, Git, Scrum, Jira, Unix/Linux. While working, I have developed many sites and software and all my employers, clients and coworkers are satisfied with my work. My main goal when working is to fully understand the client's needs and bring that to a successful product. In work, I use the best ways and practices in development and try to keep up to date with all the industry innovations.