Marat A.
Location Map Pin Ukraine
Main Clock UTC+02:00 (Ukraine/Kyiv)
Application Architect, Embedded software developer
-Experience in programming in C, Obj-C, C#, Java, C++. -Knowledge of several CPU architectures (x86, AVR, C51, PIC, ARM Cortex, Xtensa LX). -Good understanding of networking, client-server architecture. -Knowledge in kernel-space programming (device drivers). -Basic knowledge in DSP. -Good understanding of software architecture, ATAM methodology. -High learning abilities. Intention to develop new skills. Hardware developemment: RF, GPRS, Bluetooth modules, Wi-Fi enabled SoC, Microcontrollers with x86, AVR, C51, PIC, ARM Cortex, Xtensa LX architectures, Various ICs with SPI, I2C, 1-Wire interfaces