Marcin G.
Location Map Pin Poland
Main Clock UTC+01:00 (Europe/Warsaw)
Senior back-end Developer
Responsibilities: • Planning and creating PostgreSQL database structure • Working on DOM manipulation using JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX and Vue.js • Participation in software development lifecycle: requirement analysis, designing, coding, testing, debugging and website maintenance. • Use of PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, Vue.js, JSON, Git • The implementation of projects based on Internet technologies • Implementation of new functionalities in existing projects • Planning and creating PostgreSQL database structure • Developing components using Vue.js • Importing/Exporting data in .xml, .xlsx, .xls, .csv and .pdf formats • Integration within projects • Implementation of authentication and authorization • Presenting data in a user-friendly way using plugins like Bootstrap • Performing client-side validation and logic using JavaScript • Working on REST API • Creating frontend content based on modified Bootstrap template (HTML5 + CSS),