Upper Intermediate
Miklós A.
Vetted by YouTeam
UTC +01:00
Upper Intermediate
senior full-stack developer
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Years of commercial development experience
15 years of experience
Core technologies
Other technologies
Project Highlights
Enterprise development of a global Webshop for multiple brands and regions
Jun `21 - Nov `21
5 months
Took part of full Epic implementations of Checkout, Review, Cart flows including UI/Smart components and API intergration.Main technologies used on the frontend side: Vue3, Nuxt, Typescript, scss
Responsibilities & achievements
Developing industrial asset manager application
Mar `21 - Jun `21
3 months
He participated in the development process to fuse different applications for an the Operating System for construction. He unified all equipment and process data into a single platform. Main technologies used on the frontend side: React/Typescript and Syncfusion Essential Studio Components
Responsibilities & achievements
Dental implant planner and B2B webshop application
Jan `20 - Jun `20
5 months
Developing dental implant surgery planner software running in browser in 3D openGL interface using the patient's CT data and implant 3D models and redo/undo function support.The resulting product is a 3D printed mask with leading holes and a set or drill bits with instructions making surgery fast and safe.Main technologies used React/Redux/Typescript/NodeJS/Firebase/Three.js
Responsibilities & achievements
Higher education in Computer Science
Veszprém/Hungary, Sepsiszentgyörgy/Roumania
Core Expertise
Information services & Technologies
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