Romer M.
Location Map Pin Venezuela
Main Clock UTC-04:30 (America/Caracas)
Software Engineer with 5 years of experience developing professional projects from scratch, leading small teams, and building side projects
5+ years like professional developer, working mostly as front-end developer with JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, React/Redux, React Native, Expo, also with back end background in Node.js, Express, SQL and NoSQL databases. Really passionate about the Javascript ecosystem in general. My approach is always towards being the best coworker in any team I’m part of, improving both sides of my professional and personal self: problem solving and teamwork in order to be the best developer in the field. - Built a npm library to create multiple products with third-party APIs like Microsoft and Google language services - Founder of a delivery app that helps users to order 5 gallon bottles of water (aguamandelivery.com) having found product-market-fit in early stages (first four months) - Multiple e-commerce projects - Built an offline mobile application that handles queued requests for when the connection is stable