Upper Intermediate
Sergey F.
Vetted by YouTeam
UTC +04:00
Upper Intermediate
Lead Full-stack Software Engineer with over 15 years of software development experience
- Strong expertise in Node.js; - Expertise in PHP technologies: Symfony, cakePHP, CURL, GD2; - Skilled in Frontend development using JavaScript, ES6/ES7, Typescript; - Experienced in database development and extension, writing and optimizing complex algorithms, experience of developing software with big data, high mistake costs and high load; - Best practice of Open Source software customization, modification, reverse engineering and customer support; - Experience working in an Agile development environment.
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Years of commercial development experience
15 years of experience
Core technologies
Other technologies
Project Highlights
CX Integrations
Sep `19 - Nov `21
2 years
Big data transformational apps on the base of AWS lambda-functions for medical research.
Responsibilities & achievements
Communication with Product Manager, Product Owners and interaction with Core Product and Cloud Teams, lambda-apps and tech architecture, big data transformations, development and support of techplatform CXL, support of existing functionality and bug fixes, REST API integrations, Unit-tests and integration testing, processes improvement and building full cycle development, technical interviews with candidates, Work Breakdown Structure documents and estimations
FashLabs 3D
Jun `19 - Sep `19
3 months
FashLabs 3D is a ultimate set of 3D tools for designing 3D of outerwear (3D models, textures, colors, materials etc.)
Responsibilities & achievements
Communication with Product Manager, task estimation, front-end and back-end development, bug fixes, database architecture, system refactoring, Unit-tests and integration testing, sprint planning and scrum.
Nomist Priselist Manager (NPM)
Aug `17 - Apr `19
2 years
NPM is a subsystem of Nomis for managing credit information and CRM tool for bank workers. Project constists of few modules and managing tools: Pricelists, Overlay Rules, Conversion Schemes etc.
Responsibilities & achievements
Communication with customers, task estimation, front-end and back-end development, bug fixes, database architecture, system refactoring, integration with NPO and Nomis services, team management, scrum
Nomis Deposit Manager
Aug `17 - Oct `17
2 months
NDM is a subsystem of Nomis for managing deposit information and deposit tool for bank workers, that consists of few modules and managing tools
Responsibilities & achievements
Communication with customers, task estimation, front-end development, bug fixes, automated tests development
Flight Dashboard
Jun `17 - Aug `17
2 months
Flight Dashboard is a system for flight dispatching and control, that consists of few modules and managing tools
Responsibilities & achievements
Communication with customers, task estimation, front-end development
Oct `16 - Mar `17
5 months
Talentory is a complex solution for hiring and recruiting staff. As a HR-platform, the project has unique functionality for HRs, employers and potential employees as well as processes for hiring and paying fees for recruiting services.
Responsibilities & achievements
Communication with customers, task estimation, back-end API development, front-end development
Jun `16 - Sep `16
3 months
OEP - Online Enrollment Process, high load web-service to process all external and internal requests/responses. It has its own job queue and a number of handlers as well as CLI-commands. Highly integrated with 3d party services. NEST - back-end application for managing clients and other staff, manual and batch integration with 3d party services, orders, queued jobs monitor, administration and reporting system.
Responsibilities & achievements
Development, communication with customers, team management, documentation
3D Shop Rack (Virtual shop 3D-presentation)
Jun `16 - Jun `16
Any shop owner wants to increase his sales. It requires a number of days to represent shop goods in a more profitable way. Project 3D Shop Rack allows to arrange this process very conveniently through 3D modeling of shop racks. User is able to load models of his goods and to arrange it on racks as it would be a real shop rack. He can rotate, resize and perform all needed operations with virtual rack. Systems is also able to manage lists of goods, racks, views etc. As a 3D platform, system uses WebGL engine and JavaScript (Typescript) to control camera view.
Responsibilities & achievements
Bug fixing
Karaoke YourDay (E-commerce for karaoke products and services)
Jan `16 - May `16
4 months
Main goal of project is to represent ready-to-use and virtual karaoke systems as well as give a customer fullfeatured services for his products. Project has 3 parts: back-end (CMS), front-end and user area. CMS is responsible for site content (news, articles, static pages) and product descriptions including all required technical information. Also CMS has modules for user management, financial operations and reporting. Front-end provides the information about karaoke systems, products and services. Also it includes articles, news and FAQ. As karaoke products have many technical parameters, described at back-end, system gives an opportunity to compare them by a parameters list. User area provides secure financial operations and custom orders for end-user. Owner of karaoke system is able to download latest updates or sign up for automatic updates, download top hits and regular songs packs, use services of karaoke studio (order a recording of favorite song, create a video clip for etc). Another ability is to upgrade his subscription and recharge his balance. Project is integrated with payment system Robokassa and uses a concept of inner user balance that makes customer payments more friendly and convenient.
Responsibilities & achievements
System architecture, back-end/front-end development, requirements analysis, communication with customer
GPS (Complete solution for GPS navigation, routes, sensor tracking and analysis)
Jun `15 - Jan `16
7 months
Project consists of 2 parts: back-end with API and front-end. Back-end provides all necessary data of GPS-objects and store managed information. Front-end performs a number of visualization tasks: show current position of GPS-objects and areas on a map, show routes and directions of movement for GPS-objects by specified parameters, displays the information of sensors in a location points and graph charts of its dynamics. System has also a few modules: searching of location points, GPS-objects and areas, reporting system (allows to get details of routes and sensor values) and management system for users, objects and areas. There are a number of settings for maps visualization: tiles, favorites etc System is integrated with Google and Yandex maps and 3d party services that provides a various data for GPS locations.
Responsibilities & achievements
Estimation, requirements analysis, system architecture, front-end development, communication with customer
CamCity CMS (management and analytics for CamCity)
May `15 - Jun `15
CamCity is a big data service that has thousands of operations daily. To manage it, back-end must have a strong management and analytical part. CamCity CMS collects process and performs an analysis of all data as well as allows managing some parts of it. To visualize CamCity uses its own system of reporting and graph charts. Analytical modules of CamCity CMS include reports and charts for financial operations summary, income/outcome dynamics, visitor and models activity, visitor/client conversion, different summary reports etc. For all reports and charts project has flexible system of filters and data grouping.
Responsibilities & achievements
Development of back-end, graph charts, analytics
Higher education in Computer Science
Core Expertise
E-Commerce & Retail, Healthcare & Medicine, Data Science & Machine Learning, Entertainment, Augmented reality
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