Upper Intermediate
Vasilly M.
Vetted by YouTeam
UTC +01:00
Upper Intermediate
An experienced senior software developer
Expert knowledge of client-side JavaScript. Expert knowledge of React and it’s state management source Redux. Good knowledge of testing React components using Jest, Enzyme. Good working knowledge of React-native mobile app development. Experience with source control systems, in particular GIT, and understands what continuous integration is.
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Years of commercial development experience
5 years of experience
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Project Highlights
Apr `20 - Jul `21
1 year
Main tasks/responsibilities: 1) eCommerce platform for manufacturers which run on SAP ERP. The solution includes full integration with SAP for personalized contract pricing, inventory availability, 100% error-free order posting, online order tracking, invoice payments, & more. Responsibilities: - start of the project, building the architecture of the front-end part; - developing a business logic of the whole application (front-end part); - writing api on node.js for specific cases; - release of the client side of the product into release. Technologies: React, Redux, Redux-saga, Styled components, Node JS, Mongo DB.
Responsibilities & achievements
Jul `19 - Apr `20
9 months
Main tasks/responsibilities: 1) automotive website focusing on vehicle recycling along with commercial verticals in insurance, finance & number plates. Responsibilities: development of the client side of the site for a company engaged in scraping used cars. Technologies: React, Redux, Redux-saga, SCSS. 2) Canadian educational platform for of the University of Calgary. Responsibilities: GUI development for creating complex tests for educational research platform with virtual scenarios for testing the knowledge of students at one of the Canadian medical universities. Technologies: React, Redux, Redux-saga, Flow, Styled components. 3) An online marketplace for reservation service for cruise ships for vacations. Responsibilities: developed modules and components for platform for booking tours for sea travel. Technologies: React, Redux, Redux-thunk, SCSS, Jest, Enzyme.
Responsibilities & achievements
Nov `16 - Jun `19
3 years
Main tasks/responsibilities: 1) an online marketplace for tourism companies in Iceland. It curates and quality checks Icelandic service providers and acts as a guarantee to travelers that they receive the services they book. Responsibilities: developed modules and components for traveling platform. Technologies: React, GraphQL, Jest, Enzyme, SCSS.
Responsibilities & achievements
Higher education in Computer Science
Core Expertise
Banking & Finance, Construction & Real estate, Blockchain & Cryptocurrency, Automotive
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