Angular 6 Developer Skills

Angular 6 Developer Skills: Essential Competencies for Modern Web Development

Angular 6 is a powerful framework for building web applications. It offers many features that make development faster and more efficient. Developers who master Angular 6 can create robust, scalable apps.

A person coding on a computer with multiple windows open, surrounded by Angular 6 documentation and programming books

Angular 6 skills are in high demand in the job market. Companies need developers who can build complex web applications quickly. Learning Angular 6 can open up new career opportunities and higher salaries.

Angular 6 builds on earlier versions with improved performance and new tools. It includes features like Angular CLI for easier project setup and management. Developers also benefit from TypeScript integration and powerful data binding capabilities.

Key Takeaways

  • Angular 6 skills are essential for modern web development
  • Mastering Angular CLI and TypeScript boosts productivity
  • Testing and optimization are crucial for high-quality Angular apps

Fundamentals of Angular 6

Angular 6 has key building blocks that form its foundation. These include components, directives, data binding, services, and dependency injection.

Understanding Components and Directives

Components are the main building blocks of Angular apps. They control views and contain the app’s logic. Each component has a template, styles, and a TypeScript class.

Directives add behavior to elements in the DOM. There are three types: structural, attribute, and custom. Structural directives change the DOM layout. Attribute directives change the appearance or behavior of elements.

Custom directives let us create reusable behaviors. We can apply these to any element in our templates.

Data Binding and Services

Data binding connects component data to the DOM. It keeps the view and the data in sync. There are four types of data binding in Angular:

  1. Interpolation: {{value}}
  2. Property binding: [property]=”value”
  3. Event binding: (event)=”handler”
  4. Two-way binding: [(ngModel)]=”value”

Services are used for tasks unrelated to views. They’re ideal for sharing data and functionality across components. Services help keep our components lean and focused on their specific roles.

Dependency Injection

Dependency Injection (DI) is a design pattern used in Angular. It helps manage dependencies between different parts of an app. With DI, we can make our code more modular and easier to test.

Angular’s DI system provides dependencies to a class when it’s created. This allows us to keep our component classes lean and efficient. It also makes our code more flexible and easier to maintain.

We can use the @Injectable() decorator to mark a class as a service. This tells Angular that this class can have dependencies injected into it.

TypeScript Proficiency

TypeScript is a key skill for Angular 6 developers. It adds static typing and other features to JavaScript, making code more robust and easier to maintain.

Data Types and Interfaces

TypeScript’s type system is a game-changer for Angular development. We use basic types like string, number, and boolean to catch errors early. Arrays and tuples help us work with collections of data.

Interfaces are crucial for defining object shapes. We create them to specify the structure of components, services, and API responses. This improves code readability and helps catch bugs before runtime.

Union types allow us to work with values that could be one of several types. We often use them for function parameters that accept different data types.

Classes and Decorators

Classes in TypeScript form the backbone of Angular components and services. We define properties and methods to encapsulate related functionality.

Inheritance lets us create specialized classes based on existing ones. This promotes code reuse and helps build a clear hierarchy of components.

Decorators are a powerful TypeScript feature heavily used in Angular. We apply @Component to classes to define Angular components. @Input and @Output decorators manage data flow between components.

The @Injectable decorator is key for dependency injection in services. It tells Angular this class can be injected into other components or services.

Working with Angular CLI

Angular CLI is a powerful tool for Angular developers. It simplifies many common tasks and speeds up project setup and development. Let’s explore its key features and commands.

Generating Projects and Components

We use Angular CLI to create new projects quickly. The command “ng new” sets up a basic project structure. It adds necessary files and installs dependencies.

Angular CLI also helps make new components. The “ng generate component” command creates component files. It adds the component to the nearest module too.

We can generate other elements like services and modules. The CLI handles file creation and updates module imports. This saves time and reduces errors.

Build and Deployment Commands

Angular CLI makes building and deploying apps easier. The “ng build” command compiles the app for production. It creates optimized files ready for hosting.

We use “ng serve” for local development. This command starts a dev server and watches for changes. It automatically reloads the browser when we save files.

For testing, Angular CLI offers several commands. “ng test” runs unit tests, while “ng e2e” handles end-to-end testing. These help ensure app quality.

The CLI also supports different environments. We can use flags to build for specific configs. This helps manage development, staging, and production setups.

Effective Use of RxJS

RxJS is a key tool for Angular developers. It helps manage data streams and handle asynchronous operations smoothly. Mastering RxJS can greatly improve an Angular app’s performance and maintainability.

Understanding Observables

Observables are the core of RxJS. They represent a stream of data that can change over time. We use them to handle events, HTTP requests, and other async tasks in Angular apps.

To create an Observable, we can use the ‘of’ or ‘from’ operators:

import { of, from } from 'rxjs';

const numbers$ = of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
const array$ = from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);

We can then subscribe to these Observables to react to new values:

numbers$.subscribe(value => console.log(value));

This pattern helps us write cleaner, more reactive code.

Operators and Subscription Management

RxJS operators let us transform, filter, and combine Observables. Some common operators include ‘map’, ‘filter’, and ‘mergeMap’.

Here’s an example using ‘map’ and ‘filter’:

import { of } from 'rxjs';
import { map, filter } from 'rxjs/operators';

const numbers$ = of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
const evenSquares$ = numbers$.pipe(
  filter(n => n % 2 === 0),
  map(n => n * n)

Managing subscriptions is crucial to avoid memory leaks. We can use the ‘takeUntil’ operator with a ‘Subject’ to unsubscribe when a component is destroyed:

import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators';

private destroy$ = new Subject<void>();

ngOnInit() {
    .subscribe(data => this.processData(data));

ngOnDestroy() {

This approach ensures our subscriptions are properly cleaned up.

Single Page Application Routing

A computer screen displaying code for single page application routing in Angular 6

Angular 6 uses a powerful routing system for single page applications. It allows smooth navigation between views without page reloads. Let’s explore the key aspects of SPA routing in Angular.

Configuring Routes

To set up routing, we define routes in the app-routing.module.ts file. Each route maps a URL path to a component. Here’s a basic example:

const routes: Routes = [
  { path: 'home', component: HomeComponent },
  { path: 'products', component: ProductListComponent },
  { path: '', redirectTo: '/home', pathMatch: 'full' }

We can also add parameters to routes for dynamic content:

{ path: 'product/:id', component: ProductDetailComponent }

This lets us pass data through the URL, like product IDs.

Route Guards and Lazy Loading

Route guards protect routes based on conditions. They’re useful for auth checks or preventing unsaved changes. Here’s a simple auth guard:

canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): boolean {
  return this.authService.isLoggedIn();

Lazy loading helps improve app performance. It loads feature modules only when needed:

{ path: 'admin', loadChildren: () => import('./admin/admin.module').then(m => m.AdminModule) }

This loads the admin module when a user visits the /admin route, saving initial load time.

Performance Optimization Strategies

A developer optimizing code on a computer screen with Angular 6 framework open

Angular 6 offers key tools to boost app speed and efficiency. These tactics help developers create fast, responsive applications.

Change Detection and OnPush Strategy

Angular’s change detection system checks for data updates in components. By default, it runs checks on all components after any event. This can slow down large apps.

The OnPush strategy lets us limit these checks. We can set it on components that don’t change often. This reduces the work Angular does, making our app faster.

To use OnPush, we add it to the component decorator:

  selector: 'app-example',
  templateUrl: './example.component.html',
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush

With OnPush, the component only updates when its inputs change. This can greatly speed up our app, especially with many components.

Ahead-of-Time Compilation

Ahead-of-Time (AoT) compilation is a powerful feature in Angular 6. It compiles our app during the build process, not at runtime in the browser.

AoT offers several benefits:

  1. Faster rendering
  2. Smaller file size
  3. Better security

To use AoT, we run this command:

ng build --prod

This creates a production-ready build with AoT enabled. Our app loads faster because the browser doesn’t need to compile the code.

AoT also catches template errors early. This helps us fix issues before they reach users. It’s a crucial tool for creating robust Angular apps.

Responsive Design Implementation

A computer screen displaying a website layout on a desk, with various devices nearby, showcasing responsive design implementation

Angular 6 developers need skills to create responsive web applications that work well on different devices. These skills involve using Angular Material and CSS techniques.

Using Angular Material

Angular Material offers pre-built UI components that adapt to various screen sizes. We can use its grid system to create flexible layouts. The grid has rows and columns that adjust automatically.

Here are some key Angular Material features for responsive design:

  • Flex Layout module for easy flexbox setup
  • Responsive breakpoints for different device sizes
  • Adaptive components like cards and tables

We can also use Angular Material’s responsive utility classes. These classes help hide or show elements based on screen size.

CSS and Media Queries

Responsive design in Angular 6 relies on CSS media queries. These let us apply different styles based on screen width. We use them to change layouts, font sizes, and spacing.

A basic media query looks like this:

@media (max-width: 600px) {
  .content {
    width: 100%;

This code makes the content full-width on small screens. We can also use relative units like em and rem for flexible sizing. These units scale better than pixels across devices.

CSS Grid and Flexbox are powerful tools for responsive layouts. They work well with Angular’s component structure. We can create complex layouts that adjust smoothly to different screen sizes.

State Management

A developer working on a computer, coding in Angular 6, with multiple tabs open and a state management diagram on the screen

State management is a key part of Angular development. It helps keep data organized and in sync across an app. Good state management makes apps more stable and easier to maintain.

Understanding NgRx

NgRx is a popular state management library for Angular. It uses a central store to hold all app data. This store acts as a single source of truth. NgRx follows the Redux pattern, which has actions, reducers, and selectors.

Actions describe events in the app. Reducers update the store based on these actions. Selectors get specific data from the store. This setup helps manage complex app states.

NgRx also offers tools for side effects and data persistence. These features make it easier to handle async tasks and save data.

Services and Component State

Angular services are another way to manage state. They can store and share data between components. Services are simpler to set up than NgRx, making them good for smaller apps.

Components can also manage their own state. This works well for data that only one component needs. Component state is kept in class properties.

We can use a mix of these methods in one app. NgRx for global state, services for shared data, and component state for local info. This flexible approach lets us pick the best tool for each job.

Testing and Debugging

A computer screen with code editor open, terminal window, and browser displaying an Angular 6 application

Testing and debugging are key skills for Angular 6 developers. We’ll explore two main types of testing: unit testing and end-to-end testing.

Unit Testing with Jasmine and Karma

Unit testing checks small parts of code to make sure they work right. Angular 6 uses Jasmine and Karma for this. Jasmine is a testing framework that lets us write clear tests. Karma runs these tests in different web browsers.

To start unit testing, we create a test file for each component or service. We use “describe” and “it” blocks to organize our tests. Inside these blocks, we write tests that check if our code does what it should.

Here’s a simple example of a unit test:

describe('MyComponent', () => {
  it('should add two numbers', () => {
    expect(1 + 1).toBe(2);

We can run these tests using the Angular CLI command “ng test”. This shows us which tests pass or fail.

End-to-End Testing with Protractor

End-to-end (E2E) testing checks if our whole app works as expected. We use Protractor for this in Angular 6. Protractor acts like a user, clicking buttons and filling out forms.

To write E2E tests, we create a new file in the “e2e” folder. We use Jasmine syntax, just like in unit tests. But now we’re testing the app as a whole, not just small parts.

Here’s a basic E2E test example:

describe('My App', () => {
  it('should have a title', () => {
    expect(browser.getTitle()).toEqual('My Angular App');

We run E2E tests with the command “ng e2e”. This opens a browser and runs through our tests. It shows us if anything doesn’t work right.

Version Control with Git

Git is a crucial skill for Angular 6 developers. It helps teams work together smoothly and keep track of code changes.

Repository Management

We use Git to manage our Angular 6 project repositories. Creating a new repo is simple with the git init command. To clone an existing repo, we run git clone [URL].

Adding files to track is done with git add. We can add all files at once using git add .. To save changes, we use git commit -m "message". This creates a snapshot of our work.

Pushing changes to a remote repo is done with git push. To get the latest updates, we use git pull. These commands help us stay in sync with our team.

Branching and Merging Strategies

Branches let us work on features without affecting the main codebase. We create a new branch using git branch [name] or git checkout -b [name].

A common strategy is to have a main branch for stable code and feature branches for new work. When a feature is ready, we merge it into main.

To merge, we first switch to the target branch with git checkout. Then we use git merge [branch-name]. This brings the changes into our current branch.

Merge conflicts can happen when two branches change the same code. We resolve these manually by editing the conflicting files.

Continuous Integration and Deployment

Continuous integration and deployment are key practices for Angular 6 developers. They help teams work together smoothly and get new features to users quickly.

Understanding CI/CD Pipelines

CI/CD pipelines automate the process of building, testing, and deploying code. They catch bugs early and speed up development.

We start by setting up a version control system like Git. This lets us track changes and work together on the same codebase.

Next, we use tools like Jenkins or GitLab CI to create our pipeline. These tools run tests and checks every time we push code.

If all tests pass, the code moves to the next stage. This might be a staging environment for final testing.

Automated Testing and Deployment with Jenkins

Jenkins is a popular tool for setting up CI/CD pipelines. It’s free, open-source, and works well with Angular projects.

We can set up Jenkins to run our unit tests and end-to-end tests automatically. This catches bugs before they reach production.

Jenkins can also handle deployment. It can push our code to servers or cloud platforms like AWS or Azure.

We can set up different deployment stages. For example, we might have a test server, a staging server, and a production server.

Jenkins makes it easy to roll back changes if something goes wrong. This gives us peace of mind when deploying new features.

Frequently Asked Questions

Angular 6 developers need specific skills and experience to succeed. Job seekers and employers often have questions about this role.

What are the essential skills needed for an Angular 6 developer?

Angular 6 developers should know TypeScript, HTML, and CSS. They need to understand Angular components, modules, and services. Knowledge of RxJS for handling asynchronous operations is important. Familiarity with Angular CLI for project setup and management is also key.

What should be included in a resume for an Angular 6 developer position?

A strong Angular 6 developer resume should list relevant projects. It should highlight experience with Angular framework versions. Include skills like TypeScript, RxJS, and unit testing. Mention any certifications or training in Angular development. List contributions to open-source Angular projects if applicable.

What are the expectations for a fresher starting as an Angular 6 developer?

New Angular 6 developers should have a solid grasp of JavaScript and TypeScript. They should understand basic Angular concepts like components and services. Freshers are expected to learn quickly and work well in a team. Knowledge of version control systems like Git is helpful.

How does experience influence an Angular developer’s salary?

Experience greatly affects an Angular developer’s pay. Entry-level developers earn less than those with years of experience. Senior developers with advanced skills command higher salaries. Location and company size also impact pay rates for Angular developers.

What responsibilities are typical in an Angular developer’s job description?

Angular developers create and maintain web applications. They work on both front-end and back-end integration. Tasks include writing clean, reusable code and fixing bugs. They often collaborate with designers and other developers. Testing and optimizing application performance are key responsibilities.

What does a career roadmap for an Angular developer typically look like?

Angular developers often start as junior developers. With experience, they can become senior developers or lead developers.

Some move into architect roles, designing complex systems. Others might specialize in areas like performance optimization or security. Management positions are also possible for those with strong leadership skills.

Written by
Svetlana Shevchuk

Digital Marketing Specialist at YouTeam, a Y Combinator-backed marketplace for building remote dev teams.

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