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Contracts & Payments on YouTeam

YouTeam's Standard Service Contract Terms were created with three key principles in mind: safety for both sides of our marketplace, the balance of interests, going beyond the outsourcing industry's best practices.


The service agreement is signed between the Customer (your company) and Contractors (development agencies-employers of your selected engineers).

YouTeam is authorized to act as an agent of the Contractors, e.g. for payments.

Protection from developer rotation

The names of your selected engineers are added to the contract.

In case of removal of any of the engineers, the Contractor shall inform the Customer in advance (1-month prior notice) and is obliged to provide an equivalent replacement with the same rate.


  • Monthly or Hourly rate
  • Advance payments for each calendar month or sprint, combined with a Money-back Policy for the Customers help ensure that parties collaborate risk-free. YouTeam holds on to the funds until the end of each month or sprint and releases them after getting the Customer’s approval (contractors get paid only if you're happy with the services provided)
  • Available payment types:
    • local bank transfers (ACH in the US/USD, SEPA in the EU/EUR, BACS in the UK/GBP)
    • credit cards
    • SWIFT wire/international transfer

Intellectual Property (IP)

The Customer receives all rights, titles and interest in the products of the Services that have been paid for.


  • Confidential Information (CI) is used solely for the purpose of the Service Contract
  • CI remains the property of the Disclosing Party
  • CI is protected by the Receiving Party in the same manner that they protect their own proprietary and confidential information

Data protection

Described in detail in our Privacy Policy.

Please, be assured that:

  • Any Personal Data processed by Contractors on behalf of the Customer is processed only on instructions from the Customer.
  • Contractors warrant appropriate technical and organizational security measures against unauthorized processing of Personal Data, its accidental loss, destruction, or damage
  • Contract expiry or termination results in, at the Customer’s option, deletion or return of all Personal Data by the Contractors to the Customer

Trial & Termination

  • Trial period (1 month by default): Customer can instantly terminate the contract during the trial period
  • The standard prior termination notice time, after the trial period ends, is 1 month
  • The contract can be terminated immediately anytime by mutual consent of both Parties


Customer can't solicit employment or other forms of direct cooperation with the contracted engineers during the Contract duration and for 1 year after it ends.

No minimum commitments

There are no requirements about minimum Contract duration or penalties for its termination by the Customer.