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Andrii L.
Vetted by YouTeam
Solution Architect
9 Years of experience
Dmytro L.
Vetted by YouTeam
Senior Front-end Engineer
8 Years of experience
Lucas M.
Vetted by YouTeam
Senior software engineer with over 5 years of experience in React.js, Redux, and TypeScript for building SPAs and migrating.
5 Years of experience
Serhii M.
Vetted by YouTeam
Experienced front-end engineer with 10+ years in web apps, CRM, and media hubs, using JavaScript, React, and Angular.
10 Years of experience
Agustín N.
Vetted by YouTeam
Experienced Web Developer adept in all stages of advanced web development
8 Years of experience

Carlos L.
Vetted by YouTeam
Software Engineer with 10 years of experience
10 Years of experience

Vasyl S.
Vetted by YouTeam
Senior Frontend Engineer focused on building projects with React, React Native, and TypeScript.
5 Years of experience
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