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Džemal I.
Vetted by YouTeam
Experienced Android Developer with over 5 years of experience working on enterprises and startups.

Luciano M.
Vetted by YouTeam
Senior Android Engineer
Lucas B.
Vetted by YouTeam
Senior Mobile Developer with professional IT skills since 2017, specializing in iOS (Swift) and Android (Java/Kotlin) development.

Ricardo Sarabia S.
Vetted by YouTeam
Full-Stack Mobile Engineer
Viacheslav S.
Vetted by YouTeam
Senior Flutter developer with great soft skills and sense of humor

Pavlo H.
Vetted by YouTeam
Mobile developer with over 5 years of experience. Skilled in Flutter, iOS, Android, Git, and others
Luciana S.
Vetted by YouTeam
Senior iOS developer with 6 years of experience.
Volodymyr S.
Vetted by YouTeam
Exceptionality talented mobile engineer with both iOS and Android experience with Swift, Kotlin and Flutter

Oleksii Y.
Vetted by YouTeam
Software engineer with 5+ years of experience