As you look around your office, is everyone just like you? No, not likely. We live in a world where diversity can take many forms, from nationality and culture to age, gender, race, educational background, and more. Believe it or not, the more...
Fostering trust through communication between remote teams rust is essential, especially when working in and managing remote teams. Why? Because when team members are spread around the world, the risk of trust breaking down is much greater. One of...
Virtual management at work anaging a virtual team is full of challenges and surprises. But if you prepare beforehand, the entire process will be much easier. Learning how to manage people whose faces you see only through the lens of a webcam is an...
How to Master Remote Team Management Despite advances in VR and AR technology, we aren’t quite at the point where remote meetings can be conducted with the same ease as they are in Star Wars. Remote colleagues can’t holo-project into a...
Managing remote teams without any hassle Have you ever seen your rockstar software engineer become your weakest one? Have you watched your key team players get continually sidetracked by important yet disruptive tasks? Have you ever collaborated...
Best Practices for Conflict Resolution in the Workplace Virtual and remote teams are the way forward. More companies than ever — from agile startups to multinational corporates — are working with remote and virtual teams. Employees and contractors...
Work from home companies: who they are, what they do No carpooling, no colleagues stopping by your sit with a quick question, no need to change out of your sleepwear if you feel like you don’t want to… what’s not to love about the work from home...
Let’s face it: companies are defined by the culture they create. For some, culture building is making a cool office with bean bags, ping pong tables, slides and beer on a Friday afternoon. But that isn’t it. Culture goes to the very...
#1: Buffer This is perhaps one of the most famous examples of a startup with a cool culture and completely distributed team. Buffer is a social media scheduling software company. It is currently generating over $1.57 monthly recurring revenue, with...
Culture building: yet another Silicon Valley buzzword? As a management theory, ‘culture’ might sound like it came out of a Silicon Valley consultants playbook. And it’s true that creating a positive working culture is a trend that happened partly in...