Salesforce Developer Skills

Salesforce Developer Skills: Essential Competencies for Success in 2024

High demand exists for Salesforce developers. These skilled professionals create custom solutions on the Salesforce platform. They help businesses streamline operations and boost productivity.

A developer coding on a computer, surrounded by Salesforce logos and icons

Becoming a successful Salesforce developer requires a mix of technical skills and soft skills. They need to know programming languages like Apex and JavaScript. And also must understand data modeling, user interface design, and security best practices.

Learning Salesforce development can open up exciting career opportunities. The field is always changing, so we must keep our skills sharp. Let’s explore what it takes to excel in this dynamic role.

Key Takeaways

  • Salesforce developers need strong programming and problem-solving skills
  • Mastering data management and user interface design is crucial
  • Continuous learning is key to staying current in Salesforce development

Fundamentals of Salesforce Development

Salesforce development requires mastering key concepts and tools. These form the foundation for building custom applications and integrations on the Salesforce platform.

Understanding MVC Architecture

MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. It’s a design pattern used in Salesforce development.

The Model represents data and business logic. In Salesforce, this includes custom objects, fields, and Apex classes.

The View is what users see and interact with. It includes Visualforce pages and Lightning components.

The Controller handles user input and updates the Model and View. Apex controllers and JavaScript controllers fill this role in Salesforce.

MVC helps keep code organized and easier to maintain. It separates concerns, making it simpler to update one part without affecting others.

Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL)

SOQL is used to search Salesforce database records. It’s similar to SQL but designed for Salesforce data structures.

SOQL queries can:

  • Retrieve data from single objects or relationships
  • Filter results based on specified criteria
  • Sort query results
  • Limit the number of records returned

Here’s a basic SOQL query example:

SELECT Name, Phone FROM Contact WHERE AccountId = '001XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'

This query fetches the Name and Phone of Contacts linked to a specific Account.

SOQL is crucial for data retrieval in Apex code and reporting.

Salesforce Object Search Language (SOSL)

SOSL is used for text searches across multiple objects. It’s great for finding records that contain specific text.

Key features of SOSL:

  • Searches text fields across objects
  • Allows wildcards and fuzzy matching
  • Returns results grouped by object

A sample SOSL query:

FIND {John Smith} IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Account(Name), Contact(FirstName,LastName,Email)

This searches for “John Smith” across all searchable fields. It returns matching Account names and Contact details.

SOSL is powerful for global search features and finding related records across objects.

Core Salesforce Developer Skills

Salesforce developers need a range of skills to create effective solutions on the platform. These skills include mastering Apex, building Visualforce pages, working with Lightning components, and integrating APIs.

Apex Language Proficiency

Apex is the backbone of Salesforce development. It’s a Java-like programming language used to write custom logic and automate business processes. Developers must know how to:

  • Create classes, triggers, and batch jobs
  • Use SOQL and SOSL for database queries
  • Handle exceptions and write test classes

Strong Apex skills let developers build complex apps and workflows. They can create custom buttons, scheduled jobs, and REST web services. Apex also helps with data validation and manipulation.

Visualforce Pages Creation

Visualforce is key for making custom user interfaces in Salesforce. Developers use it to create pages that look and work just like standard Salesforce pages. Important Visualforce skills include:

  • Writing HTML-like markup with Visualforce tags
  • Using controllers to handle logic and data
  • Creating reusable components

With Visualforce, we can make forms, wizards, and data visualizations. It’s great for building apps that need a specific look or complex interactions. Visualforce pages can show data from Salesforce objects or external sources.

Lightning Component Framework

The Lightning Component Framework is crucial for modern Salesforce development. It’s used to build fast, responsive web apps. Key skills in this area are:

  • Creating reusable Lightning components
  • Using Lightning Data Service to work with data
  • Building Lightning pages and apps

Lightning components make it easy to create modular, drag-and-drop interfaces. They work well on desktop and mobile devices. Developers can use built-in components or make custom ones to fit exact needs.

API Usage and Integration Techniques

Connecting Salesforce with other systems is a vital skill. Developers need to know how to use and create APIs. This includes:

  • Working with REST and SOAP APIs
  • Using Apex callouts to external services
  • Creating custom API endpoints

Good API skills let developers sync data between Salesforce and other apps. They can pull in data from external sources or send Salesforce data to other systems. This is key for creating seamless workflows across different platforms.

Data Modeling and Management

Data modeling and management are key skills for Salesforce developers. We’ll explore schema design, object types, and data manipulation tools.

Data Schema Design

Good data schema design is crucial for a well-functioning Salesforce org. We start by mapping out the relationships between different data points. This helps us create a logical structure for storing information.

We use fields to capture specific data elements. Each field has a type, like text, number, or date. Choosing the right field type ensures data accuracy and makes reporting easier.

Relationships between objects are also important. We can set up lookup and master-detail relationships to connect related data. This allows us to build complex data models that reflect real-world business processes.

Understanding of Standard and Custom Objects

Salesforce comes with many standard objects like Accounts, Contacts, and Opportunities. We need to know how these work and when to use them.

Custom objects let us create unique data structures for our org’s needs. We can make objects for things like products, projects, or equipment.

Each object has its own set of fields and relationships. We must understand how to customize both standard and custom objects to fit our org’s requirements.

Record Manipulation using Data Loader

Data Loader is a powerful tool for moving large amounts of data in and out of Salesforce. We use it to insert, update, delete, and export records quickly.

To use Data Loader effectively, we need to prepare our data files correctly. This means matching column headers to Salesforce field names and ensuring data formats are correct.

We can set up Data Loader jobs to run automatically, which saves time on regular data updates. It’s also useful for data cleanup tasks and mass updates across many records.

User Interface Development

Salesforce developers need strong skills in creating user-friendly interfaces. We’ll explore responsive design and the Salesforce Lightning Design System.

Responsive Design Principles

Responsive design lets us build interfaces that work well on all devices. We use flexible layouts and grids to adjust content for different screen sizes. Media queries help apply specific styles based on device characteristics.

Images and other media should scale smoothly across devices. We often use relative units like percentages instead of fixed pixels. This keeps elements proportional as screens change.

Touch targets need to be large enough for mobile users. We make sure buttons and links have enough space around them. This prevents accidental taps on small screens.

Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS) Utilization

SLDS gives us pre-built components and styles for Salesforce apps. It helps create a consistent look and feel across the platform. We use SLDS to save time and ensure our interfaces match Salesforce standards.

The system includes icons, color palettes, and typography guidelines. These elements help us design visually appealing and on-brand interfaces. SLDS also provides accessibility features to make apps usable for everyone.

We can customize SLDS components to fit specific needs. This lets us create unique designs while still following best practices. The system’s documentation helps us implement components correctly and efficiently.

Testing and Debugging

A computer screen displaying code, with a debugger tool open and Salesforce developer platform in the background

Testing and debugging are key skills for Salesforce developers. We’ll explore how to write effective test classes, debug code issues, and follow best practices for deployment.

Writing Test Classes and Code Coverage

Test classes are vital for Salesforce development. We write them to check if our code works as expected. Good tests help catch bugs early and make our apps more stable.

To create a test class, we use the @isTest annotation. This tells Salesforce it’s a test. We then write methods to test different parts of our code. Each method should focus on one specific thing.

Here’s a simple example of a test method:

static void testAccountCreation() {
    Account acc = new Account(Name = 'Test Account');
    insert acc;
    Account result = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Id = :acc.Id];
    System.assertEquals('Test Account', result.Name);

We aim for at least 75% code coverage. This means our tests should run 75% of our code. But good tests do more than just cover lines. They check if the code does what it should.

Debugging Techniques and Tools

When our code doesn’t work right, we need to debug it. Salesforce gives us tools to help find and fix issues.

The Developer Console is a key tool for debugging. It lets us run code, check logs, and see what’s happening step by step. We can set checkpoints to pause code execution and inspect variables.

Another useful feature is debug logs. These show us what happened when our code ran. We can see errors, variable values, and more. To use debug logs, we set up trace flags in Setup.

For tricky bugs, we might use the Apex Debugger. This tool lets us step through code line by line. It’s great for complex issues that are hard to spot otherwise.

Deployment Process and Best Practices

Deploying our Salesforce changes safely is crucial. We follow a process to make sure everything works before it goes live.

First, we always test in a sandbox. This is a copy of our org where we can try changes without risk. We run all our tests here and fix any issues we find.

Next, we use change sets or a deployment tool to move our changes. Change sets let us group related items to deploy together. Tools like Ant or VS Code can give us more control over deployments.

Before deploying, we run all tests again. This catches any last-minute issues. We also check our code coverage to make sure it meets the 75% minimum.

It’s smart to deploy during quiet times. This reduces the impact if something goes wrong. We always have a rollback plan ready, just in case.

Security in Salesforce

A laptop displaying Salesforce developer skills with a security padlock icon

Salesforce offers strong security features to protect data and user access. We’ll explore key aspects of configuring profiles, permission sets, and understanding the security model.

Profile and Permission Set Configuration

Profiles and permission sets control what users can do in Salesforce. Profiles set basic access rights for groups of users. Permission sets give extra access to specific users.

We create profiles for common job roles. Each profile has settings for object permissions, field-level security, and app access. This lets us control what data users can see and change.

Permission sets are more flexible. We use them to grant extra rights without changing profiles. For example, a few sales reps might get access to confidential reports.

Regular reviews of profiles and permission sets are important. We check for any unneeded access and remove it. This helps keep our Salesforce org secure.

Security Model Understanding

Salesforce uses a layered security model. At the top, we have org-wide defaults. These set the starting point for data access.

Next, we use role hierarchies. Higher roles can see and edit data owned by users below them. This matches how many companies work.

Sharing rules come next. They let us open up access to groups of users based on criteria we set. For example, we might share all high-value opportunities with the executive team.

At the most granular level, we have manual sharing. This lets record owners share individual items with specific users.

We also use field-level security to hide sensitive info. This works with the other layers to create a complete security setup.

Workflow Automation and Process Building

A person designing a flowchart with interconnected boxes and arrows to represent workflow automation and process building for Salesforce development

Workflow automation and process building are key skills for Salesforce developers. These tools help streamline business processes and boost productivity.

Workflow Rules and Actions

Workflow rules let us automate standard internal procedures. They run in the background when certain conditions are met. For example, we can set up a rule to send an email when a new lead is created.

Workflow actions are the tasks that happen when a rule is triggered. These can include:

  • Email alerts
  • Field updates
  • Task creation
  • Outbound messages

We can create multiple actions for each rule. This allows us to handle complex business processes with ease.

Process Builder and Flows

Process Builder is a point-and-click tool for creating automated processes. It’s more powerful than workflow rules and can handle more complex logic.

With Process Builder, we can:

  • Update related records
  • Create new records
  • Send emails
  • Post to Chatter
  • Submit records for approval

Flows take automation even further. They allow us to collect data from users and systems, then use that data to perform actions. Flows can be launched from buttons, processes, or Lightning pages.

We use Flow Builder to create flows visually. It lets us add screens, logic, and actions without writing code.

Continuous Learning and Development

A developer sits at a desk surrounded by books, a laptop, and coding materials. A light bulb shines overhead, symbolizing continuous learning and development

Salesforce developers need to stay up-to-date with the latest features and best practices. We’ll explore how to keep pace with platform updates and earn valuable certifications.

Keeping up with Salesforce Releases

Salesforce releases major updates three times a year. We recommend reading the release notes as soon as they’re available. These notes highlight new features and changes to existing functionality.

Join the Trailblazer Community to connect with other developers. This forum is a great place to discuss new releases and share tips.

Watch official Salesforce videos and webinars about upcoming changes. These resources often provide demos and practical examples of new features.

Try out new features in a sandbox environment before they go live. This hands-on approach helps you understand how updates will affect your org.

Earning Certifications

Salesforce offers many certifications for developers. The Platform Developer I certification is a good starting point. It covers core development concepts and basic customization.

For more advanced skills, aim for the Platform Developer II certification. This exam tests your ability to design complex solutions using Apex and Visualforce.

Study guides and practice exams are available on the Trailhead platform. Use these resources to prepare for your certification tests.

Many employers value Salesforce certifications. They show your commitment to professional growth and expertise in specific areas.

Set a goal to earn at least one new certification each year. This practice keeps your skills sharp and your resume competitive.

Frequently Asked Questions

A developer working on a computer, surrounded by coding books and technical manuals, with a whiteboard full of diagrams and notes

Salesforce developers need specific skills and knowledge to succeed in their roles. Let’s explore some common questions about this career path.

What technical skills are essential for a Salesforce Developer?

Salesforce developers must know Apex, Visualforce, and Lightning Web Components. They should also be familiar with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Database skills and understanding of SOQL and SOSL queries are crucial too.

What are the primary responsibilities of a Salesforce Developer?

Salesforce developers create custom applications and integrations. They build and maintain Salesforce solutions for businesses. This includes writing code, designing user interfaces, and troubleshooting issues.

How does a Salesforce Developer integrate AWS services?

Use APIs and middleware to connect Salesforce with AWS. This allows data sharing between the two platforms. Common integrations include using AWS Lambda for serverless computing and S3 for file storage.

What advanced Salesforce competencies should developers possess?

Advanced developers should know about Salesforce DX and CI/CD practices. They should be able to work with Einstein AI features. Knowledge of mobile development and IoT integrations is also valuable.

What is a typical salary range for an experienced Salesforce Developer?

Experienced Salesforce developers often earn between $100,000 and $150,000 per year. This can vary based on location, company size, and specific skills. Top developers with niche expertise may earn even more.

How can one effectively showcase Salesforce expertise on a resume?

We recommend listing Salesforce certifications prominently. Include specific projects and their business impact. Also, mention any custom applications or integrations you’ve built. Lastly, highlight experience with different Salesforce clouds and products.

What to expect from Salesforce developer interview?

Find answers in this article about 10 Salesforce Developer Interview Questions (+Expected Answers).

Written by
Svetlana Shevchuk

Digital Marketing Specialist at YouTeam, a Y Combinator-backed marketplace for building remote dev teams.

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