5 tools that connect remote teams across different time zones It’s not a secret that today people can work remotely and connect with each other across different time zones. However, the concept of time zones didn’t exist until the 19th century. In...
Performance reviews are often a turning point in the employer-developer relationship. Managers and developers usually prepare for it thoroughly: collect data on KPIs, create a presentation or a report with the most significant achievements, and...
When it comes to project management tools for enterprise software teams, Jira is arguably the standard. It’s robust enough to appeal to highly technical development teams, while also being intuitive enough for non-technical roles and departments...
There have been various reasons for layoffs and hiring freezes in the tech industry in 2022. Executives such as Google’s Sundar Pichai cite an “uncertain global economic outlook” as a reason for the hiring slowdown. Meanwhile, Forbes sees the...
Launching a business can be expensive, and even the most enthusiastic entrepreneur can only do so much on a shoestring budget before they hit a ceiling. Sufficient capital will be required to maintain a stable cash flow and see real growth in the...
Working remotely has become a new normal; therefore, many businesses that can offer online work have done so. Companies collaborating with remote and hybrid teams are growing more used to it—but there is still one challenge. Unfortunately, not all...
Craig Cannon is the Director of Marketing at Y Combinator. Before joining YC Craig co-founded Comedy Hack Day, wrote a field guide to shipping containers, and set a world record on his bike. Craig is an adept of remote work. The engineering team...
Venture capital investment in technology startups continued to grow in 2021. The shift to cloud services and the opening up of the public markets due to the ongoing impact of the pandemic led the way. Early-stage startups doubled their funding in...
In this fast-paced world, we all want to do more in less time. And the quote, “work smarter, not harder,” seems more relevant now. Thanks to the advancement in technology, we now have tools that enable us to do more in less time. You...
Which project management methodology is ideal for your business? Waterfall? Or Agile? Is it really necessary to distinguish between the two and choose one to go with? If these are the burning questions in your mind, you’re ahead of at least...