Ruby on Rails Developer Rates

How much does it cost to hire an offshore Ruby on Rails developer?

Ruby on Rails

Average cost of Ruby on Rails
development (USD)

hourly $ 50.05
monthly $ 8008

The average rates for offshore software development services based on the YouTeam platforms’s data: 300+ outsourcing companies with a joint talent pool of 20,000+ software engineers.

Senior Ruby on Rails Developer Rate Ruby on Rails
$ 34 Min
$ 51 Mediana
$ 134 Max
Last update: January 2025

Ruby on Rails Developer Salary vs. Rates on Ruby on Rails Software Development Services: what’s the difference? Our data includes not only salary itself, but bonuses, non-financial benefits, paid vacations, office costs, and taxes for each developer. So you can see the final amount that should be paid for the work of an outsourced senior Ruby on Rails developer.

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107 Best Ruby on Rails Developers For Hire on YouTeam in January 2025

Senior RoR engineer

Anastasiya B.

Full-stack engineer with a decent background in Ruby on Rails programming.
$7,661 / Month
Finished projects
UTC+02:00 (Europe/Kyiv)
Ruby on Rails 6 years Ruby 6 years AngularJS 5 years ReactJS 4 years
Veiw profile
Senior Ruby on Rails programmer

Marko M.

Software developer that can solve just about any problem. From API for airlines, and search engines to complex JavaScript.
$7,950 / Month
Finished projects
UTC+01:00 (Europe/Belgrade)
Ruby on Rails 5 years AngularJS 1 years ReactJS 2 years NodeJS 2 years
Veiw profile

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Understanding Ruby on Rails as a
programming language

Ruby on Rails, commonly abbreviated RoR, is a powerful open-source app and web development framework that gives programmers a time-efficient method to create code. Ruby on Rails is built on the Ruby programming language and combines it with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS to develop applications that can function on a web server. Therefore, it is classified as a server-side or back-end web app development platform. The possibilities of what developers can accomplish with Ruby on Rails are endless. It contains code libraries that avail custom-made solutions for executing repetitive tasks such as building tables, menus, or forms.

Ruby on Rails has several uses. These are highlighted below:

  • Ecommerce sites with advanced browsing and purchasing options.
  • Financial technology (Fintech) platforms.
  • Social Media sites.
  • Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions.

Ruby on Rails is a full-stack web and application development framework because it can support the creation of an app from scratch up to release. It has all of the requisite tools for the completion of a software development project. These include databases, back-end, front-end, and web infrastructure.

A Ruby on Rails developer is a software programmer responsible for building server-side web application logic in the Ruby programming language, using the Rails framework. RoR coders usually create back-end components and link the app with independent web services. They also collaborate with a front-end developer through the integration of their work with the application. RoR developers are also experts in creating databases and availing the much-needed technical support for institutions in various industries.

Ruby on Rails experience levels vary depending on the extent of exposure that an RoR would have been subjected to. Based on experience, RoR coders are classified into junior, mid-level, and senior developers.

Junior Ruby on Rails developer

A junior Ruby on Rails developer is sometimes referred to as an entry-level software engineer. These will usually have a bachelor’s degree in computer science or other relevant certifications that emphasizes Ruby on Rails programming. Junior developers have basic Ruby on Rails programming experience garnered over their starting career path. They work under the supervision of mid-level and senior developers and assist in all aspects of the software design and coding process. Their responsibilities mainly include writing basic code, attending meetings, fixing minor bugs, maintaining internal technical systems, and so on. The average salary of a junior Ruby on Rails developer is usually in the 0 to 25th percentile of the developers’ average base salary ranges.

Mid-level RoR developer

A mid-level Ruby on Rails engineer is relatively experienced. They have between 3 to 5 years of coding in the RoR environment. They would have transitioned from being amateur coders into full-fledged ones who can perform their duties with minimal to no supervision from senior members. Mid-level programmers form the core of any software development project as they execute most of the tasks with the help of entry-level developers. Mid-level Ruby on Rails software engineers’ roles include supervising junior-level developers, writing code, conducting software tests, quality assurance, software troubleshooting, maintenance work, and introducing coding best practices. Their salaries are usually between the 25th and 75th percentile range of developers’ salary range. 

Senior Ruby on Rails developer

A senior-level developer has typically five to ten years of experience working in the Ruby on Rails environment. Senior Ruby on Rails developers have a huge portfolio of completed software development projects. It is paramount to highlight that senior developers possess more skills than technical ones. They have leadership skills, and some of them are more into project management work as opposed to writing the code. Senior Ruby on Rails developers’ salaries are usually over the 90th percentile of developers' salary ranges.

The job title ‘Ruby on Rails developer’ carries several significant responsibilities. These are highlighted below.

  • Writing, creating, assessing, and deploying new web and mobile applications in the Ruby on Rails environment.
  • Create back-end systems and collaborate them with front-end ones.
  • Checking and enhancing existing Ruby on Rails software solutions.
  • Building, administering and maintaining the application programming interfaces (API).
  • Executing troubleshooting of RoR solutions as required.
  • Creating proper documentation works for Ruby on Rails software.

Several components make up the skill set every average Ruby on Rails engineer should have. Software building abilities alone are not enough if an RoR developer is to become a prominent part of the team. The requisite skills are highlighted below.

Ruby on Rails skills

MVC paradigm

The Model View Controller is the structure of the Ruby on Rail framework. Coders should have sound knowledge about the functionalities of each layer and the app structuring methodologies.


Embedded Ruby and Haml are two of the most vital template systems in RoR. Coders must be well-versed with these if they are to be competent in the programming language.


Since most web applications utilize some form of data persistence, developers must be knowledgeable about ActiveRecord. Competence in models, associations, validations, and migrations will prove to be indispensable in a software development project that uses Ruby on Rails.

The HTTP protocol and REST 

Since lots of web applications function as REST apps, it is paramount that an RoR developer is familiar with it and the HTTP protocol.

Front-end skills for RoR developer

Ruby on Rails developers should have exceptional front-end skills. These include a thorough knowledge of HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS.


Ruby on Rails involves working with databases. As a result, RoR coders should be skilled in these as well. Knowledge about database engines such as PostgreSQL/MySQL and the concept of NoSQL database is a must-have if one is to thrive in the Ruby on Rails ecosystem.

Tools for Ruby on Rails Developers

RoR developers should be familiar with tools such as Trello, Pivotal, Github, and so on. They will become handy, particularly on large projects. 

There are three types of Ruby on Rails developer jobs on the market today. These are freelancers, in-house engineers, and outsource programmers. The characteristic features of each are described below.

Freelance RoR coders

These are RoR developers who work on an as-needed basis. They are usually not affiliated with any firm and have the liberty to deal with as multiple clients as they want. There are several sites where you can find the RoR freelancer developers community. These sites serve to connect these professionals with potential clients. The major benefit of freelancer developers is their flexibility. Freelancing avails a room for independence and the much-needed self-driven professional growth. However, it is paramount to highlight that the freedom of freelance RoR developers can be a problem. It leads to a sense of uncertainty on the part of the client as freelancers face minimal repercussions for terminating contracts or failing to meet timelines compared to full-fledged organizations. 

In-house Ruby on Rails engineers

These are internal Ruby on Rails developers who are employed full-time to execute programming projects for a company. In-house engineers are expected to handle the firm’s software development projects with minimal to no assistance from external coders. An in-house software developer usually has a long-term perspective about the company and can easily align with the company’s vision. Therefore, if proper screening is done by the recruiter, an in-house Ruby on Rails development team can produce exceptional results.

Outsource RoR programmers

As the name suggests, outsource Ruby on Rails developers are outsourced from an external agency and delegated to handle a software development project. Outsourcing RoR coders is usually through contractual agreements. Outsourcing Ruby on Rails developers is the best option for software development projects. Outsourced coders bring in the much-needed expertise to make the project a success.

Knowing how to write a proper project description is paramount in ensuring the successful implementation of a software development project. It gives a clear pathway that the project should follow from initiation right up to completion. Several aspects should feature in a proper project description. These are highlighted below.

Project title

The project title should be short and unambiguous. The title communicates the subject and gives the programmers involved in the project the much-needed direction.

RoR Project Description

The description is where the project details lie. This section is basically the core of the project. It gives the methodologies to be used and the timelines involved. It is where the vital aspects, such as functionalities of the code, security, and user interface, are clearly outlined.

RoR Project Specifications

The specifications section is where crucial code components, such as communication protocols and exception handling methods, are dealt with.

RoR Project Work Plan

The work plan maps the entire project timeline against the milestones, which are expected to have been achieved from initiation right up to completion. It serves to keep the project progress on track once it begins.

Below are some of the questions that RoR developers can be asked during interviews to determine their skill levels.

  • What are the functions of subdirectory app/controllers and app/helpers?
  • Describe five things that Rails Migration can do.
  • Explain the Rails Controller.
  • Describe how you can protect Rails against Cross-site Request Forgery.

Tell us about your plans on a brief intro call and we’ll start the matching process.

FAQ about Hiring Ruby on Rails Developers

Why hire RoR coders with YouTeam?

YouTeam understands that most often, time is of the essence. Therefore, they can help you get the exact RoR coding talent you are looking for within a short period after engaging them. No doubt, YouTeam has the fastest response time in the RoR outsourcing job market. The other reason why you should hire Ruby on Rails developers with them is the fact that they know how to identify talent. All prospective candidates undergo a quick but thorough screening that results in the identification of the skillset. YouTeam also offers its clients affordable solutions. Exceptional RoR programming talent is never cheap. But they help you access software development talent from Eastern Europe and Latin America, where the cost of living is reasonable.

How does YouTeam vet RoR software developers?

YouTeam works with developers from reputable handpicked agencies. They meet with their potential partners in person to eliminate the risk of misrepresentation, and their legal team conducts background checks on them. All potential RoR candidates undergo a strict screening process from outsourcing agencies that involves interviews, test codes, and reviews. Finally, YouTeam assesses their portfolio to check their track record and hold English pre-interview.

How much does it cost to hire the best RoR developers using YouTeam?

The cost incurred to hire Ruby on Rails developers using YouTeam is a function of variables such as experience. However, on average, the hourly rate for RoR talent with the agency is 48 USD/hour.

Where are the best offshore RoR engineers located?

The best offshore RoR engineers are located in Latin America and Eastern Europe. Over the last few years, these regions have been active hotspots for massive software development talent. It is further evidenced by the emergence of technology startups that now characterizes these areas. Furthermore, Ruby on Rails developer salary estimates from these two regions also show they are affordable sources for hiring RoR talent.

How is YouTeam different from freelancer portals for hiring RoR developers?

YouTeam does not offer freelance RoR developers, whose productivity can be affected by a lack of proper contractual agreements and too much flexibility. It can lead to negligence. YouTeam finds only top-level Ruby on Rails developers for its clients. RoR engineers outsourced through YouTeam are employed at top of the range software development agencies, and clients can be assured that they will work on your project for its entire duration.

Why hire a team of RoR developers?

Hiring a team of RoR developers has several merits. These experts will help ensure that your project is completed within the specified duration, budget, and specifications. It is because these are professionals who have high regard for contractual agreements.

Why is the RoR developer salary different, and why?

The annual salary for an RoR developer varies due to several factors, such as experience levels and geographical regions. Remuneration is directly proportional to years of experience. Senior-level RoR developers earn more than mid and entry-level developers. Location is another aspect. RoR developers in areas where the cost of living is high often earn more than those in low cost of living areas.